Calibri kept his face calm so that he wouldn't alarm her.

'She most certainly froze. She looks as if stunned.' He thought to himself.

Kreia blinked a few times. "What exactly will you do?"

"I simply want to research the extent of our vision impairment. Perhaps there is a way to remedy it, without having to wear corrective lenses or casting enchantments." Calibri said.

"Is that necessary?" Kreia asked. "The enchantments work well."

"Yes, but they do require spiritual power." Calibri explained. "And sometimes, like at the exam, and the first night at the school during the battles, the spells get nullified." Still watching her reactions, Calibri continued.

"Additionally, the spells only last a few hours at best. It is not very efficient, because recasting spells throughout the day is quite cumbersome."