Cloud bolted to the nearest teleportation point since he couldn't teleport on his own yet. Once he stood on the white marble, the area under his feet lit up for a few seconds and he mentally thought of the location. In seconds, he felt his body move to a different area, and when he opened his eyes, he was standing in front of the front door of his dormitory.

Quickly, he placed his palm on the onyx recognition stone on the door and skittered into the dormitory when the door opened.

Why in the world had Calibri suddenly called? While he was in class too! And why did he use someone else to send the message? Was he okay?

"Calibri? Where are you?" Cloud asked, worry evident in his tone. He looked into Calibri's bedroom and became tenser when he saw the silver-haired prince was missing.

"Ah, Cloud, I am in the specimen chamber, down the passage, the room to the right," Calibri called back.