Discreetly, Alexei climbed a tree and continued to assess the situation. First, he needed to figure out what Kol meant by answers, then, he'd need to understand how Kol was being controlled.

"You really should answer me. Our next class is at one. If I don't get an answer now, I'll be sure to bring you back here later."

Kol gave him an annoyed look.

"Also, don't depend on Haochen to find you. He's taking a nap. Seems to be upset after your talk with him earlier."

Kol's eyes widened slightly.

"And none of the students are going to come find you, because nobody would enter a forest without a path."

Xavier crossed his arms, thinking about the Verbatians. "And those who would have already identified you as an enemy."

Alexei watched in deep thought. Xavier was not wrong, and he probably thought everyone was at Calibri's dormitory too.

"So I could hurt you, badly, and leave you here."

Kol scowled.