


"Sweetheart! Done already?" He let go of the ladle and Flora huffed. He'd been trying to help them cook and had ruined several things already.

Pearl nodded. "Something smells lovely." He said. Cloud nodded and put a hand on his chest. "I have been cooking."

Tea rolled her eyes. "Someone. Get him out of here." Felix laughed. "It's okay Cloud. We're terrible at cooking too. Except him." Felix said, point to Tapioca.

Cloud tilted his head and pointed to Felix. "You talk almost normally."

"He speaks like a Verbatian with Verbatians and like the other sects to the other sects." Kreian explained.

Cloud made an 'Ohhhh' face. "Why don't the rest of you do that? It was hilarious that time when you cussed at Kol." Cloud snickered.