Chpt. 3

I'm sitting at the police station in an interrogation room. I pull out my phone. A real phone, not my burner. "Lynol, please call me back. If you don't fucking call, when I get out of here, I'm coming over and ripping your ears off!" I shout in the phone. This is the 4th time I called him. He's too pissed to listen to me. It was just chance he was in a motor cycle club and I'm a cop. I didn't even know they did illegal shit. I still don't. I'm just guessing that's why he's mad. And that's not my unit anyway nor is it my jurisdiction.

The door opens and a different female cop comes in. This one is a detective. She's in a white button down and black pencil skirt. Nope. She's a lawyer. "Sorry about the man handling and lack of fellow respect." She says and sits down.

"Do you guys always man handle pregnant women?" I ask with an attitude. She almost laughs.

"Again, sorry." She says.

"And not only that, I shot a man who put a gun to my back and threatened mine and my child's life." I tell her. She exhales through her nose.

"Should file a complaint." I don't shut up. But what she says next makes me.

"But then your husband would find you. And that kind of defeats the purpose of running."

"I wanted to make you an offer." She gets the point. I stare at her.

"We are trying to take down the holy rebels for illegal arms." Isn't that ATF territory?

"Your point?" I snap.

"Well you seem awfully close with the president." She was listening to me the whole time I was sitting here. Watching me squirm and listening to my phone calls to Lynol.

"You want me to go undercover?" I gape at her. She tilts her blonde head from side to side.

"Basically. We've been trying. Our UC isn't getting anywhere." She shrugs.

"I won't do it." I tell her. There's no way. Lynol has done so much for me with out asking for anything back.

"Well, then I'll call social services and see how they feel about a single mom with gang associations. And then the father will get involved and I'm guessing it's your husbands." She threatens. My eyes grow wide.

"Because I won't help you, you're going to throw a fucking tantrum and threaten my baby. I'm a decorated cop. Go for it." I tell her.

"A cop. Then you should want to uphold the law just as much as I do." She says.

"No." I tell her again.

"Sleep on it. Is your husband finding you and your baby worth the freedom of a few outlaws?" She gets up and leaves, leaving the door open for me.

I go straight to the club house. "Margo, are you okay?" Kale comes up to me. Patch is right behind him.

"Yeah. I need Lynol." I search for him.

"He's in the back. You should let me-" I don't let him finish as I go for his room. I burst through the door to find some half naked whore riding his dick. She jumps then glares at me. It's the girl from my first day here. Lil or something.

"Time to go." I throw her clothes at her.

"Excuse me, bitch." She gets up in all her naked glory.

"Don't make me shoot two people in one fucking night! I said LEAVE!" I shout. Lynol just grabs his boxers and gets up.

"Out." He orders her. She pouts but complies.

"The fuck do you think you're doing?" He snaps once the doors closed.

"You have a rat. A leak. Whatever you want to call it but you have one. Someone is talking to the cops." I tell him.

"You mean, besides you. You were at the station for 4 hours." His tone is anything but the friendliness I'm used to.

"I told you, I'm not here for the club. I'm running from my abusive ex. It's just coincidence that I'm a cop and you're a fucking biker! And if I straight up was like 'hey, I'm a cop' I would be suggesting that you're doing illegal shit which I didn't know until an hour ago. Because I was just told either I fucking become an informant for them or they're taking my baby and telling my ex where I am. And I decided they could kiss my yankee fucking ass before I rat out the first person whose gave a damn about me in a long time. So get the fuck over yourself and listen to me." I have no damn breath left.

"They want you to spy on us? And if you don't, they're gonna throw you back into the jaw of a man who beat you?" He asks slowly like he's trying to wrap his head around it. Good luck. I don't even understand.

"Yes." I answer. "I'm not here for the club, Lynol. I wouldn't do that to the club. To you."

He looks at me then comes over and hugs me. I'm not too thrilled about him touching me after he just had some club house whore all over him. "I know. I'm sorry. I thought about it and I know you wouldn't do that." He looks me in the eyes.

"Yet you still ignored my calls. Probably too busy with your whore." I ground out.

"I heard the phone ring and I knew it was you but what was I gonna say? Sorry for being an ass?" He says.

"Uh, duh." I scoff.

"I'm sorry." He says and hugs me again. He's never showed physical affection before. I look him in the eyes and see his eyes are red. A sniff lets me know he's high.

"Well talk later. When you're not high. Night." I say curtly and leave.


Knocking at my door wakes me up from my restless sleep the next morning. Lynol stands on the other side looking like shit. I choose to voice as much. "Didn't sleep after you left." He admits.

"Neither did I." I admit too. Stayed awake all night thinking about the lawyers threat and seeing Lynol with that woman. He told me he wanted a family with someone he could trust. Then again he probably used a condom. But even those aren't 100%. Next time I see that bitch I might hit her.

"I'm sorry. Not just about leaving you when I found out you were a cop, but for the way you found me...with her." He says awkwardly.

"Why would you care if I found you with some woman?" I snap.

"Because... I don't fucking know! Because I do!" He shouts. I flinch at the change in the volume, but I'm not scared. Just surprised.

"Sure. You wanna catch something from a whore whose been riding dick probably all her life, that's your choice. Nothing to do with me." I go into the kitchen for a bowl of cereal. He follows.

He grabs my arm and turns me around and for a second I flinch again, this time because I am scared out of reflex. He sees that and instantly releases me. "Shit. I'm sorry." He pulls me to him.

"She was a distraction. From you. All I ever think about anymore is you. I'm constantly worrying about you. And the baby." He cups my face in his calloused hands.

"Why?" I ask. I'm not about to admit I always want to be around him where I feel the most safe. That I find him to be the most sexiest thing god put on this earth. "I'm married. The guy I'm running from is my husband. Like I said, he's a cop too. A high ranking one. In narcotics." I blurt. He backs away. Whatever progress we just made romantically I just ruined.

"Married?" He repeats. I nod.

"I don't want to be with him anymore. But he wouldn't let me leave. He'd beat me if I even mentioned divorce and the last time I tried to leave, I ended up in the hospital for 2 days and had to blame it on a couple of thugs he busted a week before. And now the cops are gonna tell him where I am. And he's gonna make me come back and he's gonna take the baby." I start crying. Everything I worried about last night resurfacing.

He holds me. "I'll take care of you, Margo. Just like I have been and the club has your back. I'll explain everything to them. And knowing that you chose to chance being found over ratting on us is going to guarantee their protection too. Don't worry." He soothes me. His words are comforting and I want to believe them, because I know he means them, but I also know John.

"I think I might like you. And it scares me." I tell him. He softly laughs.

"I think I like you too. And I'm petrified." He confesses.

"Even with another mans baby?" I ask him.

"I already love that baby like it's mine. I'll protect her too." He tells me. I hug him tightly.

He takes me back to the club house so that he can call another meeting with the club, plus they're expecting the arrival of the brothers being released today. Patch went with a few prospects to pick them up.

I wait in the lounge with the other woman and get a dirty look from last nights whore. I'm sure she wasn't too happy to see me come in holding hands with Lynol. Or the kiss he gave me before going into their 'conference room'. I smirk at her.

The front doors open and I glance towards the entrance and almost shit myself. One of the faces look oddly familiar. I'm going crazy. I should have slept last night. "Honey, are you alright?" Patch's wife asks. I nod.

"Didn't sleep much." I tell her. I'm sure that was him.

I go to the doors of the room they're all in and hear lots of cheers. "You can't go in there." One of their prospects/ initiatives/ candidate what the fuck ever says to me. I wave him off.

" I know." I pace the doors back and forth.

Feels like forever until they open again and Lynol is the first one out. He makes his way to me, a little worried. "Is it the baby?" He asks. I shake my head. Looking at each man as he exits. Then I see him and this time I'm sure.

"Pat!" I call to him over all the heads before almost running to him. He catches me and squeezes the hell out of me. I get a face full of leather.

"Margo. Margo." He repeats over and over.

"I can't believe it's you." I breathe. He pulls back and glances over me.

"Oh my shit! You're pregnant!" He almost yells. The others are staring at us. Lynol doesn't look confused at all, just curiously jealous. I know part of him wants to get is Pat's face and tell him to let me go and the other part wants to know what the he'll is happening

"Oh my shit! You're right! Well, where did that come from?" I act as if I didn't know. He laughs and hugs me again.

"Where's John? What are you doing here? How did you find me?" He glances around. Growing up, the three of us were inseparable. Did all kinds of stupid shit together.

"He's not here. We're not exactly together anymore." I tell him. His brown eyes squint.

"Not together. Y'all have been together since we were like 15. When I left, y'all were married. Both graduated the police academy and become like big shot detectives." He says aghast.

"You're a cop? You brought a cop here?" Patch grabs Lynol by his cut. Guess they never made it to that topic today.

"Let her explain. It's what I wanted to talk to everyone about later." Lynol throws him off.

Pat pulls me closer, daring the others to touch me. "In there." I point to where they all just left. Lynol nods and pulls me from my best friend. Pat looks between the two of us then grins. I tell the others everything about last night.

"We have a rat?" One of the bigger dudes asks. I think his name is Ed.

"According to the lawyer I spoke with last night." I say.

"Lawyer?" Patrick asks. I nod.

"Tall? Blonde? Pointy nose?" He asks me again. I nod. He laughs bitterly.

"She's out to get the club. I was sleeping with her and cut it off." He shakes his head.

"There has to be more to it than that." I say. Lynol agrees.

"No. This chick was into sleeping with an outlaw while being a member of the law. She got off on it. When I cut it off, she went nuts. I thought me going to jail with the others would satisfy her. Shit." He slams his hand on the table.

"Calm down, Panik.  Not your fault she's a psychotic bitch." Lynol tells him. Panik?

"We have to find the mule. I think no ones more qualified than our mrs detective." Kale points to me.

"No! She's pregnant." Lynol objects.

"That doesn't effect my ability to investigate. Though, I specialize in rapes." I sigh.

"You do?" Him and pat ask at the same time. I nod.

"We'll figure it out later. For right now we have a business meeting." Pat stands up abruptly, sending the chair he was sitting in slamming into the wall with a heavy thud.

"I'll see you at later?" I look at Lynol. I hear a few snickers from the others.

"I think she should come, Prez." Pat butts in.

"No fucking way, its club business and she isn't even an old lady!" Ed grunts. That hits the soul a little but I know that's how things go for them. Lynol looks torn. He knows only brothers know club business.

"What better way to prove loyalty though?" Kale points out to the others.

"Or a better way to give her front row seat to what could very well send us all to fucking prison!" Ed screams.

Just what type of shit they got going on?