Going to the training room.

17 looked at the white haired teen and with a neutral expression on his face said, "Don't know, it just happened this time."

Hearing that the white haired teen or the one called 50 clenched 17's shoulder a bit tighter and said, "Are you sure that it just happened or 'he' is giving some special service for his beloved 'son'." and soon a red aura started coming out of his body and the area started to get heated up.

17 looked at his shoulder which was held by 50 and then looked back at the aura covered teen. A blue aura then surrounded 17 and he grabbed 50's hand and took his hand off his shoulder and said, "All of us who are present here exactly know what 'his' priorities are. And for that he won't even think twice of giving us a 'special treatment' without any exceptions for 'his' son as well. He just want our quirks to get stronger."

Hearing that 50 stared at 17 for a while and then stopped releasing his aura and the heat started to lowering. 17 as well stopped releasing the unknown energy which he called mana and then looked at his t-shirt which was almost burnt from 50's quirk.

50 looked at 17 and said, "I will not get into anything further cause I don't want to get into trouble for destroying 'his' precious battery."

17 glared at 50 for calling him like that but didn't opposed it, as he knew that it was true. He shook his head and said, "What are you fussing about so much, aren't you and 6 also take less time for your 'growths'."

But just as he said that 50 and one other teenage girl with black hair and black eyes stared at him and 50 said, "Do you mean to say that you have reached our level?"

The black haired girl walked towards and said, "Does that mean that 'he' is providing some extra service for your faster growth?"

17 looked at the girl and then activated his appraisal.





17 looked back at both the teenagers who were staring at him for answers and with a shrug said, "Not possible because if 'he' had a method for faster growth without any dangerous side effects then 'he' would have used it on everyone. 'His' main priority is our Quirk's growth, and just like 50 said earlier, I don't think he would want to harm 'his' battery and send it for 'special treatment'."

The whole room turned silent and soon 50 and 6 lost interest in 17 and looked at each other and then started their own conversation with each other.

17 looked at both of them and thought, 'Apoarently, both of them are partners in the missions and all.....and it also seems like they both have a thing for each other as I can understand from this boy's....my memories.'

Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder once again, feeling which he mentally sighed and thought, 'What the hell is happening today?'

He then turned around and saw the blond boy from earlier whose name was 35.

35 with a slightly mocking tone said, "So the battery is getting a lot of attention today, huh. Seems like you....your quirk is getting stronger. But still my danger sense don't pick much from you. Well even if it does then still there is no point in that since you would have to stay in here as a battery forever, right?" and showed a small smirk.

17, who heard him, wanted to punch 35's face, but he resisted the temptation as he saw someone enter the room.

Once everyone of them noticed the person who just entered the room all of them stopped what they were doing and got in a straight line in front of the man.

The man who just came him had red hair and a well built body. He looked down on the children standing in front of him and said, "Only these many of you left, huh. Looks like the new group would be coming soon after all."

Hearing which all the the children flinched and glared at the red haired man in front of him, but none of them had any will to oppose him...or rather they didn't dare to do that.

17 looked at the man who had a smirk on his face seeing the children glaring at him and activated his appraisal.





The red head Reo then clapped his hands to end the discussion and said, "Alright then follow up shrimps. I don't think that it is necessary to explain to you all what you would be doing. The routine is the same as always with you pairing up with your closest number and the punishment for not being upto the mark is the same as well." A smirk then appeared on his face and he said, "The 'special treatment' for you."

And immediately all of them including 35 who was being cocky just a few moments ago, got pale and unconciously a fear crept inside their minds and all of them just nodded.

Reo gave a nod and then walked out of the room seeing which the others looked at eachother and started following him.

While walking towards the training ground 17 looked at the brown haired boy who was close to his age and activated his appraisal.


NAME: 21



After he was done with that he once again started looking forward but then a thought came to his mind, 'Can I use appraisal on myself as well?'

And just as he saw that the blue screen appeared in front of him.


NAME: 17




MANA: 320/320 (+16/min)

Strength (STR): 16

Dexterity (DEX): 15

Vitality (VIT): 13

Intelligence (INT): 19

Wisdom (WIS): 12

Charisma (CHR): 11

Luck (LUK): 10


Seeing the screen in front of him 17 widened his eyes but didn't react to much so as to not grab some unnecessary attention and thought to himself, 'Hmm...so for me the appraisal works differently. and these statistics are just like the those gaming systems...Let's see.....my quirk is called convertible energy and my stats.....are they better then compared to the average around this world? And this mana thing....seems like the blue aura that I used earlier...WAIT A MINUTE!!!'

As if realising something 17 used his quirk and soon a fain blue aura surrounded him and he immediately looked at him stats.


NAME: 17




MANA: 320/320 (+16/min)

Strength (STR): 16(+5)

Dexterity (DEX): 15(+5)

VITALITY (VIT): 13(+5)

Intelligence (INT): 19

Wisdom (WIS): 12

Charisma (CHR): 11

Luck (LUK): 10


Seeing the change in his status 17 nodded and thought, 'So this mana energy, which is my quirk is able to enhance my physical stats as well.' He then noticed his MANA tab and noticed that there was no change in it and thought, 'No change, huh. Then that means I am consuming it much lesser compared to to the regeneration rate.'

He then tried to increase the consumption of the energy and tried to made his body stronger and immediately noticed the change.


NAME: 17




MANA: 316/320 (+16/min)

Strength (STR): 16(+20)

Dexterity (DEX): 15(+20)

VITALITY (VIT): 13(+20)

Intelligence (INT): 19

Wisdom (WIS): 12

Charisma (CHR): 11

Luck (LUK): 10


'Hmm, seems like 1 MANA gives +1 boost for all my physical stats per minute and currently my body can hold upto +20, any more than this will cause me pain. So currently at best my performance could be nearly thrice my normal for around.....80 minutes and twice my normal for all the time.'

He then started thinking of ways to increase the MANA in his body when suddenly some info came in his mind.

'....Hmm, normally it would increase with my age but development in vitality meaning stamina and intelligence can also increase the amount...Looks like I have to study and work out harder. Hmm.....there is another way as well, exhausting it totally and letting it refill normally will gradually increase the amount.'

He then stopped powering up and continued of thinking of ways to use his abilities as they walked towards the training hall.

Soon all of them stood in front of a metal door and 17 walked towards 6 as she was her partner.

The others followed after him as well and the rest of them got into pairs, 21along with 28 and 35 along with 50.

Reo looked at the pairs and said with a smile, "Don't forget that I am looking at all of you, so make sure that your performance is upto the mark."

All of them just gave a nod. Seeing that Reo entered the room after which the others followed.