Preparation for escape

The next morning 17 woke up when he felt a splash of water on his face.

17 who was sleeping peacefully shot up with shock evident on his face and started looking around.

"See, I told you that this would work."

"Good morning sleeping beauty, now get your ass moving from there."

17 who heard the two voices looked towards their direction and saw the other children standing there with 35 looking at him with a mocking expression on his face.

But this time instead of getting angry at him 17 totally ignored all of them and looked at his arms which were still a bit numb.

'So that wasn't a dream, huh. How I really wish that I could kill that bastard of a father right, now.'

He then started shaking his hands slowly trying to feel them making the children around him a bit confused by his actions, seeing which he told them to not mind him.

'If they get even more impatient then they already are then I cannot get out since they will likely make more mistakes.

50 looked suspiciously at 17 for a while but soon shook his head and said, "Anyway today is the clean up and it has already begun, we will soon be asked to dress up and act like usual in front of those sponsors."

35 snorted and said, "Yeah, we have to show them how 'happy' we are living at this place. Hmph, idiots."

17 who heard them looked down at his clothes and checked them and sighed in relief knowing that they were the clothes that he customized earlier.

28 looked at them and said, "Then, when will we start?"

6 looked at him and said, "Not now, we will begin during the evening shift's break. Also during the training today make sure to stock up whatever you will need for 'that'."

All of them nodded their heads and directly went to the equipment storage room.

Knowing that today a lot of people would be using it for taking out the cleaning appliances and security purposes. A thing or two being taken out from there would not be noticed any time soon.

Once again using 35's quirk all of them walked around the facility avoiding all the people and surveillance cameras that they possibly could and finally reached the equipment storage.

Once all of them were in there 35 quickly placed a box in front of the surveillance camera and blocked its vision.

Once 35 felt that there was no more threat in there he and the rest of them went towards a wall and started touching it at various spots. Once 17 found a hidden handle there, he pulled the handle and a small space filled with different kinds of weapons now came into view.

All of them looked at the weapons in there and thought at the same time, 'We really stole and hid a lot of them. No wonder Reo was angry at the weapon's disappearance.'

All of them started taking out small weapons that they could hide under their clothes without gaining any suspicious looks from the others, which consisted of handguns, daggers, throwing blades and an ear piece for communication.

Meanwhile 17 who had already chosen his went to a corner and used the ability which he practiced a few days ago.

'Lets vibranize these.' and then thought of using his vibranium, and shining metal like substance started to come out of his hand. He then used his customize create to mix that vibranium with the weapons that he just took making them more durable while remembering the structure of the weapons so as to make some of his own using purely vibranium later if he needs to. He also used his customize to change the shining lustre of his weapons back to dull appearance it originally was so as to not gain suspicion from the others.

Once he was done with making then durable he used his customize once again to give so properties to the weapons so that the trip outside would be a bit easier.

For the guns:

1. Low recoil

2. Accuracy increase

3. Self healing(improves the healing rate of user)

For daggers:

1. Attack speed increase

2. Damage increase

3. Self healing(improves the healing rate of user)

4. Improved Sharpness

For throwing blades:

1. Accuracy increase

2. Attack speed increase

3. Damage increase

4. Improved sharpness

He added the self healing properties to the guns and daggers as well since his body was still in pain after the last night's incident.

He then walked back to the hidden weapon storage as he saw that everyone was now done with choosing their weapons and were now onto hiding them inside their clothes.

17 looked in the box and noticed almost all the big weapon, like swords, rifles, etc. were left behind and most of the small blades were gone, since 6 specializes with them.

Once all the others were done and walked back to check if someone was coming towards them, 17 took two swords and used his customize create to shape them in a form of belt and wore it under shirt which was fairly big for his size.

He then vibranize the belt as well and added the properties he added to the daggers to them as well. He also made some sockets in that belt so that he could place his weapons there and once he did he used customize on his clothes to make it difficult for others to notice him and what he had under his clothes.

Once he did that the others got surprised and 21 suddenly asked, "Why did you presence faded a bit just now?"

Hearing the question 17 gave a smirk seeing which the others were a bit surprised since 17 usually didn't do that.

"Looks like my body starts to act like that of an assassin if I get hand on some weapons. Don't think much about it."

All of them stared at 17 for a while but soon ignored what he said, and 50 started explaining the plan in detail.

While that was happening 17 used customize create to add some vibranium to his clothes making them a bit more durable and then started adding properties to it.

1. Speed increase

2. Strength increase

3. Self healing

4. Sound reduction(on his shoes so as to not cause much sound while walking, running or jumping)

5. Defense increase

He maxed up all the properties on the clothes to the extent he could without destroying them and was satisfied with the result.

Meanwhile 35 peeked at 17 from time to time and thought, 'Why is his danger level increasing like this? Is he that desperate to get out of here? Looks like the so called son hates his father the most amongst all of us.'

Once 50 was done explaining the plan he took something out from behind and showed a box of donuts to the others.

Seeing the box 28 asked, "Do you really want to eat something like this even before we get out of here?"

But 50 shook his head and opened the box. All of them looked down and were surprised to see some grenades in there.

50 looked at the others and said, "I got some of these and hid it here the last time I went on mission, there are normal, smoke and flash ones here, six of each kind. You guys, take one each for a situation of emergency."

All of them nodded and took three grenades each and 17 immediately used his customize create to improve them, before storing it under his clothes.