6's plan

After defeating Reo the 17 and group walked out of the room while there was still a distance both physically and mentally between 50&6 and the others. 35 kept cursing on the two about the action which they took earlier to which 50 replied by, "Right now, my only priority is to get out of this fucking hell hole." making 35 surprised by his answer but he too didn't say anything as he too wanted to get out of the place and the same was to be said for the others.

Noticing the atmosphere that was getting tense by the time 17 made some distance from everyone else since he didn't want to become someone else's meat shield or get caught in their attack once again. The same was the case for everyone else as 35, 28 and 21 did the same as well, with the only exception being 50 and 6 who even though were at a distance from the others but were still relatively closer to eachother.

No one said anything else and their path mostly remained clear without any people guarding their.

17 who was curiously looking at the surroundings asked, "Isn't the security way to loose at this part?"

Hearing his questions the other boys got curious as well but 6 suddenly replied to his question, "Duh, why do you think we chose this path as the escape route. Also, since Reo was here earlier, then it might be a possibility that he asked the other guards to stay away from the place so as to not get caught in his attacks."

The others who heard her explaination simply nodded their heads but were still on guard since something was not sitting right with them, this included with the fact that 35 didn't gave any signs of having no danger ahead of them made them to be more serious.

With 35's help all of them avoided any surveillance cameras and the few guards that came in their path but soon after that when they were near the exit, or as said by 50&6, 35's frown deepened and he said, "There are many people ahead of us. Be prepared."

But 6 suddenly said, "Heh, don't worry about what's coming now, I alone can manage it. Stay back you all."

All the boys looked at her with a weird look on their faces and were thinking, 'Did Reo, but her too hard?'

6 who saw their gazes frowned a bit and asked, "What the hell is that look on their faces. Want me to fuck them up?"

Hearing which 17 and 35 immediately snorted and said, "How the hell will you take them all Madam flat chest?"

To which 28 and 21 immediately averted their eyes and put a hand on their mouths so as to not laugh out loud right now, while the other hand 50 was making a distance between him and 6 as he thought that something bad was about to happen.

17 seeing that took some distance as well and was now directly behind 50. 35 who was the only one who didn't falter and remained at his position smirked seeing that 6 was not saying anything.

'Heh, lost your vigour bitch?'

But then suddenly his danger sense started ringing bells in his mind, though it was nothing compared to that of Reo's but still it was pretty annoying for him.

6 looked directly at 35 who called her earlier like that with cold eyes sending a chill run down his spine. She then slightly tilted her head and said in a cold tone, "Just wait till we get out of here, after which I will make sure to cut you in small and flat pieces."

She then looked away making all the boys take a sigh of relief, though 35 who was holding his breath from the time the bell started ringing in his head started panting while wiping off the sweat from his forehead.

Soon 35 once again came in the front, since he was the one who was tell them when to stop and move. But this time 6 also went forward along with 35 leaving 50 behind him.


Soon all of them stood beside a wall with their backs facing the wall. All of them staring at 35 who had a few tick marks in his forehead and was looking away from them since the gazes from the others felt like arrows to him.

"Hey! how is this my fault?!"*whisper*

"Who told us earlier that their were not a lot of people on this route?"*whisper*

"Yeah, so, I told you that there were not a lot of people on this path COMPARED TO THE OTHER ONE!!!"*whisper*


And 28 headbutted 35 who tried to push him back.

The others immediately stopped the two since they were making too much ruckus.

"Looks like it's my time to shine."

6 said and stretched her body. She then looked at the others and said, "Stand back and cover for me, if things get messy."

But immediately 50 grabbed her shoulder and asked, "What are you planning to do? It would be better if you explain it to us. Since our lives are on the line here."

6 stared back at him with a pout and said, "...You can put more trust in me you know."

17 and 35 looked away and thought, 'Our trust is atleast bigger than that chest of yours.'

"Did you two thought something rude just now?"

Both 17 and 35 flinched a bit and then thought at the same time, '...And here's the legendary woman's intuition' "Nope, now tell the plan."

6 stared at them for a while and said, "You see when the last time me and 50 came through this point from our mission, I left 'some' slashes here in case of emergency, and not only here, all the exits that we have used, I place some slashes their in case we would have to use that path to run away."

All of them who now understood what she was planning narrowed their eyes and 17 asked, "How many and how big?"

6 showed a smirk on her face and said, "The whole room. up ahead." making the rest of them surprised.

She then stood up and her hands and said, "Now behold the greatness of the beautiful me."

She then raised her hand and said, "Sorry to those who are in that room~" and snapped her fingers.














Multiple sounds of people falling on the ground was heard, hearing which 6 rubbed her nose and said, "Heh, it wasn't much."

But none of them said anything and waited patiently for anyone to make some commotion making 6 a bit pissed.

A few minutes later a small stream of blood came flowing t towards them and passing by the wall making all of them stare at it.

'Looks like the bodies indeed got cut...'

All of them then looked at 35 who even though still had a frown on his face, nodded his head, meaning that most of them were now severely damaged or are unconcious.

All of them nodded in return as well and 6 was the one who first moved to the room, believing that her attack indeed took everyone out.

All of them looked at eachother and then at 50 who just shrugged his shoulders. All of them sighed and stopped hiding behind the wall and move towards the room.

Once they were in the room all of them immediately got disgusted seeing all the blood and bones lying everywhere with small pieces of flesh and organs mixed with that.

All of them then started to look for 6, since she was nowhere to be see, but soon found her puking at the corner of the room.