He is my father

As Mirko increased her speed so as to get as far away from the fight and get the brat in her hands to safety before joining the combat herself, Antonio who noticed the person he kicked away earlier once again, rushed towards her attacking any hero coming in his way.

17 who was screaming like a bitch noticed his father rushing towards them closed his mouth and then pointed his hand in Antonio's direction.

"HEY BRAT WHAT THE HELL ARE YA DOING?!?!" asked Mirko as she noticed the boy stopped screaming.

Not wanting to open his mouth wide open once again he brought one of her bunny ears closer to his mouth and said, "Don't worry just continue running. I will take care of the one following us."

As soon as he whispered in her ears, Mirko's whole body shivered a bit because of the sensitivity of her ears but she still nodded her head and left the boy to do what he wanted. If the man would have come closer she would kick his on her own anyway.

The blue aura once again started coming out of 17's body but before he could do anything the aura disappeared and a huge amount of blood came out of his mouth which was followed by his body being engulfed in extreme pain.


"Oi brat, don't push yourself if you are not in a condition to do so. It will only make the work of us heroes more difficult." Mirko said glaring at the boy in her arms.

17 who heard Mirko didn't say anything and just looked at Antonio who was being confronted by various heroes.

He once again pointed his hands towards him earning a glare from Mirko but this time instead of using his quirk he used his customize create raise a wall near the location where they were fighting, high enough to block Antonio's view of them.

He then wiped his mouth which was covered in blood he just coughed out in Mirko's hero costume making the rabbit eared girl pissed and said, "I WILL KILL YA YOU LITTLE SHIT!!! HOW DARE YOU WIPE YOUR MOUTH IN MY COSTUME!!!"

But 17 ignored her and continued to wipe his mouth and once he was done he looked towards her and said, "Get closer to the ground being this high up will be a bit disadvantageous right now."

"Don't you dare change the topic you little.....I will kick some sense in that mind of yours once this is all over."

17 who was feeling extremely weak used customize on his clothes once again to increase his regeneration and added some pain resistance to them as well. Once he was done with them at he laid his head on Mirko's chest feeling tired and said, "Don't think it is going to be easy to escape him, there is a possibility that you might get killed you know."

But just as he said that he received a smack on his head making him groan in pain and look towards Mirko with some tears at the corner of his eyes.

"Don't think negatively in these kind of situations, and more so when you are protected by me, there is no way I will die today and neither I am gonna let you die."

17 who heard her didn't say anything and just sighed seeing which Mirko's brows twitched in anger.

"Whatever, then if we are able to get out of this alive, I promise to advertise you as a hero, all right."

"Heh, like hell I am gonna need some support from a little shit like you, afterall unlike those weak heroes who work in teams I am capable enough to gain recognition on my own and kick villain ass solo. You might even get my autograph after this is all over since I am going to be famous soon anyway." and showed a smirk on her face.

"Yeah yeah, whatever now keep quiet, if that man hears our voice then we are done for."

"Don't tell me what I need to do...By the way who is that villain anyway? What is he after you?" said Miriko and then glanced towards 17.

17 who was peacefully lying on her chest while also using the map function of his customize create to check on anyone coming towards them glanced towards her and said, "He is my father."




"... Seriously...?"

17 just nodded his head and said, "Take a right from here." to which Miriko did as he told her without thinking bling about it.

Once they turned right 17 pointed towards a building and said, "Get inside that building."

Mirko who was still a bit surprised by his answer snapped out of trance and asked, "Why?"

"35....I mean the other boy who was with me is here."

"Huh... How di-"

"Just do it already, we need to hide somewhere right?"

Mirko snorted at him speaking to her like that but did the followed his advice anyway.

She stopped in front of the three storey building Nd was about to break the door open but 17 stopped her and used his customize create to unlock the door and get inside seeing which Rumiko followed after him.

Once the two of them were in 17 closed the door once again and the locked it extra carefully.

"35!!!! It's 17!!!"

17 shouted inorder to get inform 35 of his presence but seeing him talking like that Mirko got a bit confused, but didn't ask anything.

Soon enough there was some noise that both of them heard and one of the carpets in the room shifted and 35 came out from underneath it...or more correctly from a room which was hidden below the carpet.

35 didn't say anything and just gestured the two of them to follow him before going back in.

17 and Mirko soon followed and got in the hidden room and closed the door.

17 looked around the room which was just as big as the room he had back there in the facility from where they escaped and asked, "How did you knew of this place?"

35 looked at him and said, "Found it on one of my missions the scum was hiding bin here but his unfortunately for him my quirk is quite good at sniffing out hidden places. Anyway how did you find me?" and looked at 17 with curious look on his face.

17 stared at him and said, "You saw my new abilities right, it's a part of it."

35 who heard that narrowed his eyes and said, "I have been meaning to ask about it for a while now.....but I don't think that the time is quite right for now. Rest up while you can." He then looked at Mirko and said, "You two rabbit woman."

Mirko who had been staying quiet for a while looking at the two brats in front of her conversing to each other got pissed off at 35 and smacked his head and said, "Mind your tongue brat. And any of you mind telling me what the hell is happening? Why is that fucking villain after you?!?!"

Hearing that 17 patted 35's shoulder and said, "Explain it to her, I will charge up for a bit." Hearing which 35 made an annoyed face.

17 then started looking around the room for an electric socket and once he found one, he switched it on and then used his quirk to charge his reserves from electricity.

Threads made of his blue aura started coming out of his hand and then got inside the socket and soon electricity started to come out of it and started transforming into the same blue aura before started to go back in 17's body.

10 minutes later:

17 who was now feeling 'recharged' stopped using his quirk and then used appraisal on himself.


NAME: 17




MANA: 340/340 (+17/min)

Strength (STR): 18

Dexterity (DEX): 17

Vitality (VIT): 14

Intelligence (INT): 20

Wisdom (WIS): 17

Charisma (CHR): 13

Luck (LUK): 12


Seeing that he was fully recharged he nodded his reserves were full he nodded his head in relief. He then looked at Mirko and used his appraisal on her as well.





'...What an unpredictable quirk name...'

But then he noticed Mirko looking towards him making him raise his brows in surprise.

"Your pops had a fucked up brain that's for sure."

Both 17 and 35 nodded their heads in response without denying her they even thought that saying that his brain is fucked up was an understatement.

Mirko then sat down on the ground and gave a tired sigh and said, "Man, I really want to go and kick some butt out there." and then glanced towards the two children and sighed once again thinking that it was too troublesome to protect these two weak children in front of her.

17 and 35 who saw her sighing at them had an institution that the woman in front of her was thinking something rude about them and got a bit pissed at her.

"... What's with that look? Wanna have a go with me twerps?" and looked at them with a challenging smirk on her face.

17 and 35 not being in their top form on top of the danger of Antonio immediately shook their head much to her disappointment. She then lied down and turned around showing her back to them.

Just as she turned around both 17 and 35 widened their eyes in shock and 17 immediately rushed towards her and flipped her body much to Miriko's surprise.

"Hey?! What's the big id,ea huh? Want to take me down by using sneak attacks!? Face me head on damn it."

But neither of the two children said anything and 17 took something out of her back and asked, "Hey Mirko, please tell me that this thing is a part of your costume."

Hearing that Mirko turned around with a confused look on her face, not understanding what the two of them were talking about.

Her look only became more weird once she saw the thing that was in 17's hand.

17 and 35 who saw her look gulped their saliva and said, "If this is what I thi-"

But before he could finish 35's eyes widened in shock as he immediately crouched down in a defensive manner making Mirko confused.

But 17 who understood what that meant pulled Mirko and 35 towards himself much to Miriko's surprise and immediately used customize creat to form a dome of earth around him for defense.

Immediately after that a huge explosion occured in the same building where the three of them hiding, which turned the whole building into debris.

"C'mon son, papa is here to get you!!! Let's go home!!!" said Antonio with a smirk on his face and one of his hands turned into a rocket launcher.