The cat

The next morning Shun, who was given a room in Sorahiko's house was sleeping peacefully.

The door of the room opened a while later and Sorahiko came inside without making any noise and woke the boy up and said, "Get up kiddo, we are going. It's time."

Shun got up from his bed stretched his body without causing much trouble for the old man, he was well trained to follow rules back in the facility and because of which he was pretty accustomed to wake up without much trouble.

Once he did his morning routine, he changed to his training clothes and went outside and found Sorahiko in his hero costume.

He then picked up his bag filled with training equipment and locked the door and asked, "So where are we going?"

"I asked a friend of mine to lend his place to us for the this, and its reasonable size as well, so no problems."

He said and then started using his quirk to fly in the air and said, "Now try to keep up with me, alright, let me see what I am dealing with. You are allowed to use you quirk as well since it is still early morning and not a lot of people will be here."

Gran Torino then started rushing through the air, seeing which Shun used his quirk and got enveloped in a blue aura and started running and full speed.

Seeing that he was not able to keep up he increased the output of his quirk and with the help of a lamp post got on top of a building and started running and jumping through the roof to follow behind the small hero.

Gran Torino who noticed that Shun has closed up quite a bit started speeding up seeing which Shun's brows twitched and he once again increased the output of his quirk this time to the maximum to the point he didn't feel pain.

Sorahiko suddenly slowed down confusing Shun, who thought that the old man has to say something to him and started to slow down himself as well.

The old man soon came beside the boy and looked back at him with a neutral expression on his face.

But suddenly a grin appeared on his face and said, "Aren't you quite capable....for a kid that is." and immediately blasted forward with a great speed.

Shun blinked in surprise for a while but soon a frown appeared on his face and he said, "....You fucking old geezer!!!" and then put his hands behind him and started firing blasts of kinetic energy to push him forward with great speed as well.

Though at the begining it was hard to control for him, he soon started to copy Gran Torino and started firing those blasts through his feet just like the said pro was doing.

Sorahiko who saw that the kid was copying him had a huge smirk on his face and thought, 'Looks like I am still inspirational enough for kids to copy me.'

Being distracted by such thoughts he was unable to noticed the bag full of training equipment coming towards him and got hit by the the bag making him fall down on the ground.


Shun who was now levitating in the mid air just like how Sorahiko did, had an innocent expression on his face and said, "Oh I am sorry, it looks like the bag slipped off my shoulder, but aren't you quite capable to block that bag at the last instant."

Both of them stared at eachother for a while but suddenly Sorahiko said, "I will see you later, kid. We are getting late."

He then picked up the bag and threw it towards Shun, who caught it easily and threw something towards Sorahiko as well.

Gran Torino caught the object thrown towards him and saw a metallic arm band and looked towards Shun with a curious look on his face.

"Just wear it, it will be good." 'I used recovery enhancement on that band so it would relieve the pain sooner.'

Gran Torino just put the band on without much questioning and said, "Let's get going then, and no competing this time."

Shun nodded and both of them started moving towards Destination though Shun used Sorahiko's method of transportation as it conserved more energy compared to him strengthening his whole body.


"...Are you sure that this is the place, Sorahiko-san?"

"Yup, without a doubt. Let's not waste time and hurry up" said Gran Torino and started walking towards the building in front him.

Shun stared at the building for a while and thought, '...Why the hell we came to train at a place like this?'

The building that both of them were standing before looked rather modern from its construction, but just the fact that there were a lot of cats all around the building and the fact looked like a place where owners would leave their pets while they were away from their home, didn't gave him the feeling that they were here for training.

He sighed and looked towards Sorahiko who seemed to be talking to someone. Soon he was called by Sorahiko who was gesturing him to come forward.

He then decided to enter the building as well and got towards Sorahiko carefully so as to not step on any cats.

Once he came in front of the main door he looked towards the people whom Sorahiko was talking to and widened his eyes in shock.

Seeing the expression that the kid had Sorahiko started laughing and the person who was being stared at by Shun snorted and said, "What? Never seen a handsome cat like me?"

Shun's expression turned from surprise to shock once he heard those words and looked towards Sorahiko who was laughing at him.

Shun soon calmed down and said, "Mutant type quirk, huh....well it was surprising to see a cat standing on two legs...much less talking like humans."

The cat which was standing on two legs looked towards Shun and asked, "Is this your first time seeing, a mutant type quirk?"

"No it's just that you are mutated too much." Sorahiko said looking towards the cat who just frowned towards him and took out its claws seeing which Sorahiko immediately raised his hands in surrender.

The cat which had an orangish fur with some stripes on it looked towards Shun and said, "Anyway kiddo, it's the first time meeting you, right?" to which Shun nodded.

The door suddenly shut closed by the cat only to be opened a few moments later and now the cat came in view wearing some clothes.

"Then let this great swordsman introduce himself, I am a retired pro hero just like your this old man beside you .The hero name is..."

He then took off the cowboy hat he was wearing and bowed towards the two people.

"Puss in Boots"