The two boys

Shun immediately got off the bench and was in a defensive stance, "Who are you? No...what are you?"

The head that was poking out of the bench seemed as if it realised something and said, "Ah, sorry for startling you, as you can see, I am a bench person. I have a quirk which let me get a face whenever I want. You can say that I am a bench that awakened a quirk." said the head with a tone which seemed to say it was not that big of a deal.

Shun blinked his eyes in surprise for a while and then walked behind the bench. He then found a the boy's body behind the bench and looked towards the face with a deadpan expression on his face, "A bench that awakened a quirk, huh?"

The boy laughed and then pulled his head out of the bench and said, "Hahaha, looks like I got found out. Too soon if I think about how many people who saw me like that for the first time took to know about this."

The boy then came closer to Shun and said, "You looked a bit troubled earlier. Want some help."

Shun who saw how close the strange boy was took some distance from him and said, "No need for that."

"Ah, you must be feeling shy to talk about that since you don't know me right? I am Mirio Togata. I like heroes, and also want to be one in future. What about you?" said Mirio with slightly excited expression on his face.

Shun who felt a bit strange seeing the over friendly nature of the kid wanted to just go away from there, but the fact that he was already lost stopped him from doing so and also the training given to him by Nighteye about socializing helped him to calm down a bit.

"I am Shun Kazami...I like freedom."

Mirio nodded his head and said, "A strange answer.....but it's good that you like something. Kazami-kun."

Shun who heard him call him like that tilted his head in confusion and asked, "Why are you calling me by my last name?"

This time Mirio tilted his head in confusion and said, "Hmm, isn't it what should be done when meeting someone for the first time?"

"... Really?"




"Wait, don't tell me you didn't know that?"


"...Ok, even strange, but it's fine now you know it, right?"


"Right? Now that we are familiar with eachother, you can tell me why you were troubled."

"It's nothing. Don't think too much about it." said Shun and used appraisal on the kid.





'.... permeation, huh. From what he did earlier it seems like he can pass through objects...Not something that dangerous directly, but indirectly it can be used to kill as well....if he is able to grab my internal organs once his hand is in me and then pull them out of my body....I should be careful, since it might be difficult to kill him, if I am needed to....' thought Shun as he saw Mirio sit back on the bench.

"Hmm, well fine then, is there a hero that you like, or a hero that you have met?"

Shun who saw the boy sit down on the bench he just popped his head off without any worry felt that the boy was harmless and eased his guard, a bit.

"...Hmm yeah, I do know a few heroes. And my All Might (my Messiah, who save me from Taiyaki)."

"Oh, you like All Might, as well, huh!!! I like him too!!! I like how he saves a lot of people and want to be like him someday as well." said Mirio with sparkling eyes.

Shun stared at the excited boy said, "Sure.....all the best."

Mirio looked towards Shun with a smile and nodded his head and said, "Hmm, thank you!!! I will do my best!! What about you Kazami-kun?!?! What do you want to be in future!?!?"

Shun who heard Mirio's question, thought about it for a while and then said, "Don't know. I haven't given it a thought."

Mirio looked at Shun for a while and then shrugged his shoulders and said, " are strange you know, Kazami-kun."

"....At least not to the level to call myself a bench that awakened a quirk."

"Hahahaha, I am strange as well, right?! I have heard that from a lot of people!!"

Shun looked at Mirio with a strange expression and thought that this kid was weird.

But all of a sudden Mirio grabbed Shun's hand, alerting him and making him ready to attack the kid.

Mirio, who didn't know about what was going through Shun's mind pulled him and his behind the bench and gestured Shun to remain quiet.

Shun got curious by the sudden request but decided to do what the boy asked while still being prepared to attack any instant.

Mirio placed his hands on the bench and did a countdown and then passed his head through the bench once again and said, "TAMAKI!!!"


Shun who heard a girl like shout guessed that Mirio wanted to surprise someone and was successful in doing so.

"M-Mirio! I have told you not to do that!"

Mirio took his head out of the bench and started laughing while scratching the back of his head.

Shun also stood up from his spot and saw a boy around Mirio's age with messy black hair who seemed to be frozen once he saw Shun.

"Ah, Tamaki, this is Shun. Shun this is Tamaki. Don't worry he is not scared of you, he is just too shy."

"Shun Kazami...."

"T-T-Tamaki Amakiji" said the new boy while looking down on the ground.

'Well...he seems shy alright.'

"Mirio Togata!!!" said Mirio copying the other two.

"Now that we know each other, let's play." said Mirio and took out two badminton racquets and a shuttle cock out of nowhere and started walking towards a more open area.

Shun looked towards Tamaki who was already following the blond haired boy and thought about leaving but was stopped by Mirio who called him once again.

Deciding to pass some time like that Shun went with the two kids with totally different personalities.