Birds of a feather

After the two asked the some of the people about keeping their platypus which surprisingly was agreed without much resistance, went back to their rooms.

"Ok we are here...Perry, don't dirty the room alright." said Phineas as he let Perry go.

Shun looked at Phineas and asked, "Do you mind if I pet him a bit."

To which Phineas and Ferb nodded and gestured him to touch their platypus.

Shun crouched down and and then carefully caressed the platypus feeling that it was very soft and comfy....though that was not why Shun proposed that idea as he silently placed a tracker on the platypus that he made with his customize create, making sure to add water resistance and camouflage on it so as to prevent it from being getting caught or breaking easily.....though he didn't used his Vibranium on it as he was not willing to let that in the hands of some secret organisation.

Once Shun was done placing the tracker, he gave a final pat on the platypus's head and said, "Let's get along for the time we are here Perry."


Perry replied and then went on top of one of the brothers bed and closed its eyes.

Shun then looked at the two brother who were talking amongst each other and asked, "So what are you two planning for the project.....wanna do it individually or in a group?"

"We are doing it together.....what about you, want to join us?" asked Phineas.

"If you don't mind me joining then it's fine with me." said Shun.

"I don't mind. What about you Ferb?"

"...I would be happy to have you help us..."

Shun just showed a small small smile and asked, "...So what are you guys planning to make?"

And immediately Ferb took a tool box and some blueprints out of nowhere while Phineas said, "We don't know, let's decide what we are gonna do." and opened the blueprint which was blank.

The three of them then started discussing what they wanted to do and just like that it was already near dinner time.

Ferb once again reminded the other two about time and the three of them stood up and stretched their bodies.

Phineas then said, "Alright, we have decided what we are going to make and's time to eat."

He then looked around the room and asked, "Hey, where's Perry?" but just shrugged his shoulders and decided to eat something and bring something back for his Platypus.

Shun who heard that immediately used the map function of customize create and was able to see Perry's location.

Shun was focusing on where is Perry going when suddenly a hand waved in front of his eyes snapping him out of daze. He then looked at the person who waved his hand and saw Ferb staring at him.

"...We are going?..." and pointed towards the door.

Shun nodded his head and followed the two brothers.

In the cafeteria Shun and the brothers decided to sit along with Melissa and her friends. And Melissa being the daughter of one of the scientists helping in this camp knew a lot about it and told them some extra info.

Apparently, the parts that they would take from the supply store were not for free but they have to pay for it....though it was a whole lot cheaper than the normal price....also the item that they will present at the end of the two weeks could be sold here for an appropriate price which immediately sounded like a jingle to Shun's ears as he was someone who was in constant need for funds to get some new items as not everything could be made with Vibranium.

He decided to talk about selling the item with his teammates later and then focused on eating his dinner.

Once they were done with the dinner Ferb decided to get the materials that they would need but Shun stopped him and said, "Wait. I have to go there as well, so let's go together.....I can also help you get the things back to the room."

Ferb just nodded his head and the two boys parted ways with Phineas who found Perry and took him to the room to feed him.


"...So Ferb.....what do you usually do? Any hobbies or something?" asked Shun deciding to break the ice.

"...Well, I usually spend time with my brother and go along with the flow most of time....I do like eating quite a bit.....also building stuff too..." said Ferb.

"...What about you like building stuff as well?..." asked Ferb deciding to ask his new friend as well.

" can say I like it since I am quite good at's interesting what all you can make and think to make...." said Shun

Ferb nodded agreeing with Shun as he too feels like that.

Both of them soon reached the supply shop and Shun said, "I will take a look around first, and see if they have the things that I need or not....what about you? Are you going to get the things on the list?"

Ferb then took out the list along with a pencil in response seeing which Shun nodded and both of them went their own way.

Shun looked around and after he checked around and bought what he needed he payed for his stuff and stood in a corner waiting for Ferb.

Soon the green haired boy came as well with the stuff but suddenly stopped in his path.

Shun waited fro two minutes before he thought something was wrong with the boy and decided to check on him. He went close to him and was about to ask if something was wrong with him but stopped when he saw what made the boy stop.

Shun sighed as he followed the direction where Ferb was looking and spotted a girl with brown hair and a beautiful face...older than them wearing black from head to toe.

He then patted the boy's shoulder snapping bhim out of trance and look towards Shun.

Shun took half the stuff from the boy and said, "Good luck..." and then went towards cashier after which Ferb followed him as well and the cashier started checking the items.

While they were standing in front of the cashier the girl they spotted earlier came there as well and stood beside Ferb making his eyes slightly widen in surprise.

The girl gave a side glance to the boys and said, "Hi."

Though Ferb was in trance and was not able to reply Shun waved his hand and said, "Hi" to her as well while slowly making his way towards the exit for the green haired boy to do something if he wanted to.

After fifteen minutes Ferb came out with their stuff still a bit in trance to which Shun snapped him out of it again and looked at him with a deadpan expression on his face to which Ferb responded with a silent stare.

They then started to move once the girl got out of the store and Shun said, "Don't worry, I won't tell your brother."

"...Hmm..." replied Ferb.

"She is probably 8 or so years older than us, you know?" said Shun.

"...Seems to be like that..." replied Ferb.



"...So you too don't have any problem with the age thing. huh..." said Shun.

" too?" asked Ferb.

"...Yes." said Shun.



"...Don't worry, I won't tell that friend of yours about it..." said Ferb.

Both the boys looked at each other.

"Birds of a feather flock together." said Shun and moved his hand forward.

Ferb nodded and shook his new friend's hand who had a something in common with him.

And that was the moment when the friendship between the two boys deepened.