Is it good to run away?

Shun went slowly towards the girl who was on the ground because of suddenly coming in front of his scooter and was about to cry.

He then used his map to check if anyone was nearby using this girl as a distraction to attack him but sighed seeing that no one in particular was waiting anywhere near them.

"Are you alright?" asked Shun as he offered his hand to the girl.

The girl looked at Shun with wariness since she almost crashed into him and was hesitating to take the boy's hand.

Seeing that she was being wary of him Shun decided to not wait for her to calm down a bit.

Tears were building up at the corner of the girl's eyes and soon started to fall down her cheeks. Seeing that Shun thought that the girl might be hurt somewhere and held her up without her consent making the girl surprised by Shun's actions.

Shun then dusted off the dust off her clothes and asked, "Are you inj-" but then his gaze fell on her scraped knee which had some blood coming out of it.

The girl who thought that Shun was asking about whether she was injured or not unconsciously looked down and opened her mouth to say something but didn't know what to say.


All of a sudden she started crying making Shun widen his eyes in surprise and he looked towards her face wanting to know what happened to her all of a sudden.

Shun not knowing very well how to calm her down did what one of the older kids back at the research facility did to the younger kids. He held her head carefully and slowly pulled her in his embrace while patting her black lightly and saying, "Its fine, it's fine. You are a brave girl. No need to cry." and did that for a while.

After a few minutes of crying which resulted in Shun's shirt getting drenched in the girl's tears, he felt that she stopped crying and was now just sniffing.

He patted her back for a bit while and then lifted her head from his chest which revealed the girl which slightly swollen and red eyes and and 'some liquid' coming out of her nose.

Shun took out his handkerchief and wiped the girl's face as she was still sniffing a bit.

The girl then held the handkerchief on her own and started wiping her face on her own.

Once she was done Shun looked at her and asked, "Are you a bit calm now?" hearing which the girl nodded but soon tears started to fall down once again making Shun sigh as he held her hand and said, "Let's go to another place, it's making me quite angry seeing how people are just looking at me like I took their last slice of pizza." The girl laughed a bit at his joke but then followed him.

Shun who knew the area quite well took her to the park where he plays with Mirio and Tamaki and then made her sit on one of the benches.

He then went to get some water and soon came back and wiped the girl's scraped knee making her wince in pain.

Once he was done wiping the wound he used customize create on his clothes to take some cloth out of it and then added a enhanced healing on it and placed it on top of the girls wound who wanted to remove the cloth because it was stinging her but Shun just smacked her hand lightly and told her to do what he was doing.

She pouted seeing that he was ordering her like that but agreed knowing that he helped her just now.

Seeing that she was calm now Shun looked at her and asked, "So can we finally talk?"

The girl nodded her head and said, "Sorry for troubling you onii-san. It was my fault to suddenly jump in front of you." and then looked down thinking that she would be scolded.

"It's alright, no harm done don't jump like that, it's dangerous if the person is not able to control his/her vehicle. You were lucky this time girly." said Shun seriously making the girl nod her head.

"Are you alright? Hurt anywhere else?" asked Shun as he looked at her from top to bottom.

She glanced up nervously looking at the boy but seeing that he was looking for injuries she slowly raised her hand and pointed at her elbow, "Here".

Shun nodded and slowly held her hand while telling the girl to press the cloth on the wound on her knee. He then used his customize create to made a he hole in her sleeves near the elbow making the girl surprise by the sudden appearance of hole in her clothes.

Shun then wiped her wound once again and then added the enhanced healing on her clothes and fixed them back to their original condition.

The girl looked surprised seeing that her clothes were totally clean and then looked at the boy with amazement making Shun smirk.

"So girly, who are you and why were you in such a rush that you jumped like that without checking for vehicles.....It's fine if you don't. want to tell me. I am not forcing you." said Shun as he once again held the cloth over her knee.

The girl averted her eyes feeling nervous whether to tell Shun about what he asked or not.

Seeing that Shun patted her head and said, "Don't worry, as I said no need to tell me, I will send you home as soon as the bleeding stops."

The girl who was suddenly patted by Shun looked at him and then stared at his face for while.

"Onii-san can I ask you something?"

"Hmm, well sure you can ask though whether I will answer or not depends on what you will ask?" said Shun with a playful tone.

But the girl totally ignored that and asked, "Is it good to run away from home?"

Immediately the atmosphere around them turned serious and Shun stared at the girl for a while and asked, "....What?...."

But soon he calmed down and took a deep breath and said, "Well that depends. Why do you want to run away?"

"...It's because of my family..." said the girl.

'Ah, running away from home because of family problems.....I am an expert in that department.' thought Shun sarcastically and then took a seat on the bench beside the girl and said, "Tell me more so that I can answer you."

The girl looked at the boy who just sat beside him and was not sure whether to tell him about her family or not....'It's fine he doesn't know my family or me.....I guess...' thought the girl and started telling him about her reason.

Long story short, the girl's family lived happily with her father managing a company, but one day all went down when the company became bankrupt. Her mother was not able to take in that easily and after a few years left the home along with her leaving the father and son since her husband was not able to support the family and her son was not able to stand on her expectations unlike her daughter whom she took away with her since she was excellent in academics.

The girl was torn apart from leaving her brother and father and wanted to go back to them but because of her mother who was still her family made her stop from doing that.

Shun after he heard the whole story nodded her head and said, "Run away, no need to stay back." and looked at the girl who looked back at him with a surprised look on her face.

"B-b-but how? She is my mom? She is my fami-"

"Listen, I know that it may sound bad since it is coming from someone who know nothing about you or your family but hear this, someone is only considered a family if he is looking out for you and love you for who you are, they try to help you improve yourself not for their own benefit but for you to become a better person. And from what I heard just now...." Shun didn't say anything further as he understood from the face that the girl was making that she understand what he wants to say.

"...Then does that mean that she does not lov-..." muttered the girl but Shun interrupted her and said, "Now now don't take you imagination too far, I didn't say that your mom don't love's just that all the things that came crashing down on you all made her take the action that she thought was the best....though it might be different if she showed signs that she hates you or outright is taking advantage of you in the name of family and all....but otherwise she is just suffering from some emotional conflicts....Though there might be some other things as well..." said Shun as he started thinking of something but soon snapped out and said, "And about you running away doesn't mean that you don't love her anymore or are rejecting her's just you wanting some time and space to clear your thoughts off when the things get tough and it's actually not a bad thing." said Shun as he patted the girl's head with a smile on his face.

The girl stared at Shun for a while and thought about what Shun told him just now and after a while asked, "H-Have you ever thought about running away?"

Shun thought about all the times that he thought about running away from the facility and a smile appeared in his face and said, "Can't even count the number of times I thought about that."

"Did you actually did that?"

Shun this time looked at her and said, "Who knows.....but currently I am very satisfied with my life." and then removed the cloth from the top of her knee and removed the healing effect from her clothes as well.

He then stood up and stretched his hands and said, "Well your knee is fine now and I think the elbows should be fine as well."

The girl looked at her knees and then moved her hand feeling that her injuries were totally gone and looked towards Shun with a smile on her face.

Shun then moved her hand towards her and said, "Well let me send you back at the place you are currently living at, give it a thought and if you decide to do it meet me here after a week, same time and I will help you if you want. Is it all right girly?"

The girl remained silent for a while but soon nodded her head and stood up and looked at Shun with a smile and said, "Thank you onii-san."

Shun then made a scooter and said, "Mention not, it was quite nice meeting someone like you. Reminded me of a lot of memories....both happy and sad. Anyway let's get going. You do know your address, right little girl.?"

The girl nodded her head and then told him her address and Shin dropped her near her house since she said she didn't want to get caught by her mom by any chance.

Shun then started leaving but the girl soon came running and held his clothes and asked, "By the way Onii-san. What is your name?"

"Hmm, Well my name is Shun Kazami. What about yours?"

The girl made sure to rember the boy's name and repeated it several times inside her head and then with a smile on her face said, "It's Kei, Kei Shirogane."