Aircraft ride-2

Shun and company soon reached Paris.....bouncing on a rubber band ball and once they landed the aircraft was totally destroyed band was out of fuel, not to mention that the rubber bands scattered everywhere.

Shun who was now on the ground took a nearby rubber band and said, "I will make sure to order the bands from this factory if I ever needed one for my work."

He then looked at the others who came out of the aircraft as well.

"Oh well the aircraft is destroyed so we will now need some parts and some fuel." said Phineas.

"Buford and Baljeet go and get the fuel." said Phineas.

"I know that you are gonna lose, but I will do it if I get the chance to scare someone." said Buford.

"....Ok..." said Phineas.

"Good." said Buford as he left with Baljeet.

"Candace go and meet Jeremy."

Candace smirked and said, "Already on it."

"Ferb go at the Eiffel Tower and get the directions of wind and all."

"Get on" said Vanessa as she came on top of a scooter.

"Good Vanessa you rented a scooter." said Phineas.

"....Yeah....I rented it." said Vanessa as she went with Ferb sitting behind her with his hand around her waist.

Shun looked at his friend and gave a thumbs up who returned one in response.

"Now we can go an-"

"Actually Phineas I will go around alone, I want to see some things here." said Shun as he noticed how Isabella's expression changed all of a sudden when Phineas included him in his group as well.

"Oh well fine, see you soon." said Phineas as he turned around and started walking away. Isabella soon followed him but gave a grateful look to Shun before going.

Shun sighed as he left to exchange some money since he was feeling hungry.




"Damn...if I had known that every couple here would be kissing or snuggling to eachother without any shame, then I wouldn't have entered this area." muttered Shun as he saw couples all around him being lovey dovey.

Shun then decided to ignore them and just enjoy his outing. Getting some fast food from nearby stands Shun walked around enjoying the trip.

After an hour he returned back to the place where their ship crashed and saw the others building it.

He looked at Isabella who had an annoyed look on her face and asked, "Didn't go like you thought?"

"Yep!" said Isabella while sighing.

Shun decided to not take it further and looked towards his buddy Ferb and gestured him asking how his date went.

"...She decided to go solo from here on." said Ferb hearing which Shun patted his shoulder and said, "I can feel that buddy....I went through the same before coming here." hearing which Ferb patted Shun's shoulder as well after which both of them sighed at the same time.

"All right guys, it's ready." said Phineas as the aircraft now turned to a boat was ready to depart.

Everyone got inside it except for Candace who was having a lovey dovey conversation with whom Shun assumed to be her boyfriend and said, "Atleast there's someone whose romance didn't fail." hearing which Ferb and Isabella nodded their heads.

Soon they took off at full speed towards their home when suddenly a huge ship came in their way.

Seeing that Shun just raised his hand and the boat teleported on the other side of the ship.

"....That quirk of yours is really awesome..." said Ferb while looking towards Shun.

Shun smiled and bowed with a smug on his face and said, "Thank you."

After going a bit further the boat started to break down but Shun took care of it as he used his customize create to prevent it from breaking apart.

After an hour or so they reach Danville and got off at the port.

"Hurry up we still have to reach home before the sun sets." said Phineas as he started running followed by the others.

Shun who saw that made his scooter as he followed behind them and reached their home.

"Well since you all are done I will return back." said Shun drawing everyone's attention as they looked at him.

"Oh, we totally forgot about that.....but how are you going to return back to Japan?"

"Oh don't worry about that said Shun as he opened his map and changed it to world map mode after selecting Japan in it he marked the area where he wanted to go and said, "Here, wanna see?" asked Shun as he moved his hands forward.

Seeing that Phineas and Ferb immediately grabbed onto his hands while the rest of them held theirs.

Once he made sure that he was prepared he teleported back to his area with everyone in tow.

"Now welcome to Japan." said Shun

Hearing him all of them started looking around and noticed that they were indeed in Japan from the signs and all.

Shun then sent them back home before he he started to walk back to Rumi's house.




After a while he reached Rumi's house and knocked on the door. Soon he felt someone running towards the door and once the door opened he saw a slightly panicked Rumi who sighed once she saw Shun.

"Where the hell were you, do you know what time it is already?!?!" asked Rumi slightly angry at Shun.

"Ah, I was with my friend building some stuff, and forgot to inform you.....sorry." said Shun acting as innocent as possible. He in no way wanted to tell her that he went to another country and passed through multiple countries without permission.

Rumi looked at him little suspiciously as she crouched down and lifted his shirt up started to check around to see if he had any injuries but was not able to find anything.

"I am totally fine Rumi. I am telling the truth, i was with my friends. So don't worry that much." said Shun as he sighed and looked at the rabbit girl in front of him who was currently matching his height.

"You don't know how much of a trouble would I get into if something happen to you.....not to mention I also don't want to see you injured badly and all." said Rumi.

"Says the one who always tries to sneak attack on me." replied Shun with a deadpan look on his face.

"Hey, that is only so that you don't become full with the peace and it's fun to fight with you." said Rumi with a grin.

"Oh.....from fun I just remebered something. Sorry Shun for ditching you today like that.....let's go and get the console tomorrow." said Rumi with a slightly awkward smile seeing which Shun just sighed and then smiled and said, "Good, let's go and get it tomorrow then.....oh here a gift for you from France."


"Nothing, here take it." said Shun as he gave the gift that he brought for her. She took it from Shun and opened it and saw a very beautiful and delicious looking carrot cake inside it making her eyes widen in surprise a bit.

Seeing her reaction Shun smirked and then stared at her for a while.

Rumi who felt a gaze on her looked back at Shun slightly confused and tilted her head a bit and asked, "....What?"

Shun snapped out of it and shook his head and said, "Nothing." and then thought, 'I spaced out because of how close her face was and how many people I saw kissing today.'

But out of nowhere he felt a moist sensation on his cheek and then looked at Rumi with a surprise who was already standing now and said, "Thanks for the gift, now come in and go get a bath, you reek of sweat." and walked away. feeling happy about the cake.

Shun on the other hand walked inside without saying anything and just went straight to the bathroom band closed the door.




"HELL YEAH!!! TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!" suddenly yelled Shun while he was in the bathroom making Rumi surprised by it but soon she put it at the back of her mind and shrugged it off.