Match with the other section

Shun's day went normally after the chat with his grandparents though their was an awkwardness between him and Itsuka, as she got away from him using one excuse or other whenever he wanted to talk to her.

This made most of the boys of the class surrounding him and asking what he did to her, while a similar situation was being faced by Itsuka who was being surrounded by the girls asking what happened as well.

Shin just remained silent and told them to focus on the game that would be happening to which Neito whole heartedly agreed and supported him.




"...So you all didn't chicken out after all." said Neito looking at the student from another class.


"Yeah!! how dare you!!"

"Even we haven't done that! You all can't steal a march on us!"

"Eh, but I did confess to her." said one of the boys from the other section.

All his other classmates looked towards him and the supposed leader snapped his finger and said, "Lock this traitor in the toilet....we will deal with him later."

"Eh? Hey stop!! I didn't know that there was an order for confessing to her!"

"Wait a minute." said a voice gaining everyone's attention.

Seeing the person who told them to stop Neito and the rest of his classmates smirked and said, "Fear us section C, cause in front of you is the great Shun Kazami Sama who along with us will show you what despair is!!! HAHAHAHA!!!"

Seeing how Neito introduced him Shun slapped the back of his head and said, "...You are saying that this dispute of a match is only happening because you confessed to a girl?"

"Ah, yes. But it was not just me, Gian, Shino, Kenta and a few other confessed to her as well and once section C got the wind of this they came to us picking a fight. HAH LOSERS WHO DON'T EVEN HAVE GUTS TO CONFESS!!!" said Neito while looking towards the other section with a smirk.

"Ugh, L-Like you all can say that who got rejected by her!"


"...I am leaving." said Shun and turned away.

"H-Huh? Wai- what?" said Neito with a surprise in his tone.

"Class C wait for a bit to get your asses kicked!!" said Neito as he turned around.

"Shun chama~! Please wait!!" said Neito in a girly tone as he ran towards Shun. He then came in front of him and started persuading him only to get rejected by him. In the end he and the rest of the boys from his class held onto his legs and started begging him to stay.

"Shun-sama their class have 6 soccer club members, 4 of which are even regulars!! Please help us win this battle!! If we win, we will provide lunch money for you for the whole month!"

Shun looked at them who were looking at him desperate gazes and finally accepted their demand with a sigh.

Just as he said that a of them stood up and looked towards the other class with a mocking expression and said, "Come on here peasants let us show you what our true might is. ISN'T THAT RIGHT EVERYONE!!!" yelled Neito.

"YEAH!!!" shouted the whole class.

Shun just sighed seeing his classmates and started stretching.

A few minutes later all of them gathered once again and Shun stood in the middle of them and said, "So I am reading out the details of the bet of this match. The winning team have full rights to confess to Nino-sama while the losing team cannot confess to her until all the people from the winning side have given up. And if by chance someone breaks this promise he will be sentenced to mass bullying by both the sections.....and snatching the principal's wig right in front of his eyes when he is wearing it. The losing side will also be treating pizza to the winners after the game." Shun sighed and said, "Atleast one thing is good in there." He then looked at both the captains and asked, "Do both of you agree to this?"

Neito and the leader of the other section looked back towards their classmates who steeled their hearts and nodded their heads. Though some of them didn't think much about it and only came here as they were told that they will get to eat pizza after the match.

"Before the match starts Neito keep in mind I am not going to pay, if we lose." said one of the boys who was not interested in the girl.

"Kekeke don't worry we have Shun on our side, the victory is almost confirmed, not to mention we have Gorilla power for goal keeping." said Neito with a smirk.

"Hey Shun do you think it will be fine if I use that thing as a bat?" asked Gian as he pointed towards Neito.

"Sure no problem. Headers are allowed in soccer." said Shun.

"All right let's begin." said the captains as both of them shook hands and took their positions.

"Just a doubt? Quirks are allowed, right?" asked Shun to which both the captains shook their heads.

Hearing that Shun nodded his head took his position.




After the match which consisted of just one 45 minute half was over the section that fought against Shun was totally devastated after the loss. The final score was 17-0 with Shun's class winning the match, though the people from Shun's team were totally exhausted as well and were breathing heavily.

"Whew, it was a good match. Using my body without my quirk for this long during exercise felt kinda refreshing." said Shun as he stood completely fine only a little out of breath.

Seeing him the rest of them cursed as it was because of him that they struggled so much to keep up.

"Umm.....Kazami-kun, you m-must be thirsty, right? Here have this."

Hearing that voice Shun turned around and saw a girl with.....'Giant assests' holding a towel and bottle for him.

Shun appraised the them immediately and with a smile took it from her and said, "Thank"

"Ah, I am Nino Tanaka, I am from section C."

"Ah, Tanaka-san thank you. I am Shun Kazami, though I guess you already know that." said Shun.

"Umu, you were very cool during the match." said the girl.

"Hahaha, it wasn't mu-" said Shun but stopped immediately as he realised something and thought, '... Weren't they fighting for some Nino girl?' and turned around only to meet envious and anger filled gazes from some boys.

"Well, Tanka-san thank you for this, here I cleaned them using my quirk, it shouldn't have my smell and sweat anymore." said Shun as he quickly gave the towel and bottle to her and cleaned them using customize create and walked towards the boys so as to not escalate the situation too much.


'Ah, it really doesn't have his scent.' thought the girl who recieved the towel and bottle from Shun with a dissapointed look on her face.

'And I thought that my plan was perfect...' though the girl as she pouted and walked back.

Itsuka who was nearby the girl looked at her enviously as she wanted to go and give the towel and bottle to him, but was not able to muster the courage because of what she did yesterday.

'Ah! Idiot Itsuka!' thought the ginger head.

Suddenly she felt someone touch her shoulders and looked around and saw her friends looking at her with a smile as they said, "Don't worry, we ship you with Kazami-kun.....we will see that no bitch, interferes again." and looked towards the other girl who gave the bottle to Shun. "Let her off this once, next time she do this....." said her friends making the ginger head shiver in fear.

But suddenly their dremour changed back to normal as they pushed Itsuka and said, "Now go and congratulate Kazami-kun."

"Ah! B-b-but-" said Itsuka.

"Just go."


"JUST GO!!!"

"YES!!" said Itsuka as she jumped a bit on the sudden yell from her friends and went to congratulate Shun.