Shun finally enters the plot

A few months passed by since Shun started dating Rumi officially and just between you and me '*whisper*he is still a virgin'.

The very next day he asked Rumi for a kiss, he went to meet Ferb and celebrated his achievement which made this friend even more motivated towards his 'goal'.

And though there was not quite a huge difference about how they acted with eachother, they still have their kissing and other intimate moments like hugging and walking around while holding hands.

At first Rumi found that it was nothing that necessary but soon she started liking those moments and was now the one who would make the first move doing these things. Shun was happy with the development since he liked the fact that Rumi was not annoyed in his company, though they still held back to cross the final line which they decided to cross once Shun gets into high school...and this motivation was more than enough to get him excited about going to highschool, much to Night eye's and his grandparents relief.....though they were still curious about why he was so motivated but thought it was fine as long as it was not something dangerous.

During this time he along with Natsu and Fuyumi celebrated Rei's birthday who was now quite accustomed to Shun and her two children's sudden celebrations and just accepted all that with a smile and enjoyed.

He also visited I-island once again to test out the new and slightly dangerous things that he has been working on and required some help with his designs. Melissa accepted his request quite easily as she too was interested in what Shun was making and was always happy to have him at his place...though the same could not be said for her father who was easily annoyed by him, not because he hates him or anything but because whenever he was around her daughter the two would cause some troubles around the island. But he too didn't refuted to let him stay at his place as in the end not only he was his friends junior but quite a smart equipment inventor as well.....Plus his daughter felt happy being with him so it was all the more reason to let him stay at his place.

And just like that Shun's life continued with his usual training and school life.

And currently sitting in the class sleeping behind the gorilla guy Gian and totally ignoring the the teacher, Shun was in his dream world.

Soon he opened his eyes and sat up and yawned.

Just as he yawned all the people who were near him thought, 'He woke up, means the bell will ring in 5....4....3....2....1....'


Soon the teacher left the class and the some of the boys came towards Shun and asked, "We are going to the new ramen store that opened recently. Wanna come with us?"

"Hmm... sure, but that place is good right?" asked Shun.

"I asked a neighbor of mine and he told me that it was *leaning closer and whispering* there is a hot onee-san working their as well...." with a totally serious look.

"...Alright, I am in." said Shun and then thought, 'Lets hope Rumi don't hear about this.'

Soon all of them went out of the school and were on their way to the ramen store, but on the way Shun noticed someone flying in the sky and widend his eyes in surprise as he saw what it was.

He then turned to his friends and said, "Hey, once you reach there send me the location, I will come on time.....there is something I need to do right now."

"Hmm... alright Shun-sama. This lowly me will abide your orders." said Neito as bowed in front of him.

Shun just looked at his back and then made eye contact with everyone and gestured them.

All of them smirked and immediately slapped Neitio's totally unguarded back making the blond boy groan in pain.

"....I hate you Shun." said Neito as he rubbed his back.

Shun ignored that and teleported to the place where he saw the position of the person he just saw.

In an instant Shun arrived at the top of a building and saw a skinny blond man crouching down on the ground and a boy with green hair looking at him as if he just found out that his girlfriend is pregnant with a child....which was not his.

"So you let your secret get sure are catching up with your age." said Shun as he gathered the attention from the other two.

"H-Huh w-who are you?!" asked the green haired boy.

"S-Shun! *sigh* you scared me for a moment there. I thought that two people knew my secret in one day." said the deflated All Might as he sighed.

Shun saw there was some blood coming out of his mouth and then went towards him.

"You pushed yourself to the limit once again, didn't you uncle might." said Shun as he gathered Vibranium in his hand and customized it to enhance the regeneration. He then placed his hand on his body and started healing All Might.

"And who is the guy?" asked Shun as he looked towards the green haired boy who was totally nervous seeing Shun and deflated All Might.

"Oh, I just saved him from a villain and he wanted to ask me something....and clung onto my feet when I took off." said All Might.

"Izuku Midoriya." said the green haired boy.

"I am Shun Kazami, nice to meet you and sorry for letting you witness uncle Might's pathetic state. I know that the image you had in you mind must be totally crushed, but do you think that you can keep all this a secret." said Shun with a polite tone. He immediately used his appraisal on him and knew that he was not some big deal and could be 'silenced' if he let his tongue run lose.

The boy stood straight and nodded his head. "I promise that I will not tell about this to anyone."

Shun just nodded and decided to look out for any leaks and rumours about All Might for a while.

"Ahem....Shun I am fine now." said All Might as Shun nodded and moved his hand away.

He then absorbed the Vibranium as he saw All Might telling the kid that it was not possible to be a hero without any power which made the boy totally shocked as if his whole life was a joke.

Shun looked at him without any change in his expression and thought, 'If something like a quirk could decide whether you can be a hero or not, then people with no combat oriented quirks would not be able to be a hero.....Night eye and Mirio are the biggest example for this and they both are someone I would give examples of without thinking twice.' thought Shun

'Seeing his body, I can tell he has never trained in his life.....though I don't know about his mental prowess or his ability to think in difficult situations.....but just waiting for your quirk to manifest without giving a bit of thought about training your body is plain foolishness. Even doing rescue jobs will be difficult with a body like that.' thought Shun as he saw All Might leaving through the door.

"Thanks again Shun-shounen." said All Might as he left the terrace leaving him behind with the boy.

'....This is awkward.'

Shun sighed and said, "Don't hate him for what he said, he just told you about what is practical in this world... however if you still wish to be a hero even though you are quirkless, I will tell you this....if you are born quirkless, then you just need to find what your quirk is and make is better.....a friend told me about this." said Shun as he patted the boy's shoulder making the boy look at him with surprise.

'.....Let's go meet Melissa today, I am missing her.' thought Shun as he thought how they had to clean the whole Shield house after an experiment they did in their and smiled wryly.

"Also and advice from me....these thin and pathetic arms will not be of any help whether you want to be a hero or the society we live in, even self defense is important if a hero is not able to save you in time." said Shun as he clenched the boy's arm making the boy wince in pain.

Shun let go of his arm and the Midoriya boy immediately held it and rubbed his hand to relieve it a bit.

'.... Kazami-san is a nice person...' thought . Midoriya as he bowed his head and thanked him for the advice.

'....Find my own quirk, huh....' thought Midoriya seriously as he walked down as well.

Shun who was left alone at the top of the building just sat down on the ground and enjoyed the breeze as he waited for his friends to send him the location.

Soon his phone started ringing hearing which Shun sighed and took it out, but was surprised to see that it was not from his friends.

"Hello....What happened?.....Where are you?.....Don't worry I will be there in a sec." said Shun with a serious look on his face as he stood staright and started concentrating.

"Scan" muttered Shun as the layout of the whole city appeared in front of his eyes.

He then started looking for places where a lot of people were gathered and found quite a few locations there.

He then used appraisal and started searching for the someone.

'There.' thought Shun as he teleported to the location.


At another part of the town a lot of people were gathered witnessing the fight between the heroes and the sludge like villain who had a hostage with him.

The heroes fighting against the villain were not able to do much damage at all as the ones fighting against him as they were busy saving the civilians while also minding the power behind the attacks to not injure the hostage.

Suddenly out of nowhere a green haired boy rushed towards the villain seeing which the heroes started yelling at him to come back.

"Don't worry Kaachan....this time, I will save you." said the green haired boy who was none other than Izuku Midoriya.

The blond hostage tried to say something but was unable to since the sludge monster was busy doing tentacle and slime play on him with his mouth gagged to not let him moan.

Midoriya tried to do everything he possibly could to save the boy but all his efforts were in vain.

All Might who was about to jump forward seemingly getting excited by the scene in front of him.

But before he could do anything a black haired boy appeared above all of them out of nowhere.

"Now Now where are you." said Shun who just teleported out of nowhere.

He then looked down seeing the villain and the heroes and the battle scene.

"So this was it, huh. Well whatever." said Shun but then his eyes fell on Midoriya and he said, "Are you sure that your quirk is not being somewhere you shouldn't be." and then landed on the ground.

All the people were amazed by how casually he was treating the situation and were left speechless and were just staring at him.

All Might who was at the sighed just face palmed seeing Shun's entrance and thought, '....I need to train him to make his entry more dynamic.'

"What is wrong with this town?!?! One kid after another!! Is this some but one get one free sale!!!" yelled the sludge villain.

Shun who had already analysed the situation when everyone was unmoving and speechless raised his hand and said, "No need for you commentary here." and then out of nowhere the blonde hostage appeared in front of his arm whom he caught and threw towards Midoriya.

He then used customize create on the ground as the concrete all around the villain shined and the next instant a box made of the same concrete appeared around the villain.

He then made the box smaller and smaller, enough to just for the sludge villain.

"Well.....that's done." said Shun as he walked forward and entered and alleyway and said, "You can come out now Kei, I took care of the villain."

The heroes were about to approach him to ask what he was doing, but all of a sudden a girl with white hair and white uniform came out and hugged him tightly seeing which the heroes stopped.

"It's alright Kei." said Shun and then looked at the heroes who were staring at him and said, "What are you waiting for, do your damn work already."

Hearing which the heroes twitched their lips in annoyance and all thought at the same time, 'Hello, you broke the rules here by doing a vigilante work!!!'

Shin ignored them and then checked Kei for any injuries and all and once he made sure that she was fine he told her to wait for a bit after which he will drop her home.

"Thank you Shun-san for coming to help me." said Kei as she blushed slightly.

"Don't worry, I would be sad as well if you were to get injured you know." said Shun as he patted the girl's head and then went towards the heroes who were standing around the concrete cube.

Shun picked up a nearby empty bottle and then made a hole in the cube and placed the bottle above the hole.

"Haha thank you freeing me you idiots!!!" said the sludge villain as he got inside the bottle.

Shun closed the bottle once the villain was inside and then told him, "You are welcome." and then handled the bottle to a hero who was made of wood, "Here you go Kamui Woods and you could have captured him easily if you had made a wooden dome around the villain."

"I tried that but the hostage he hand was one with an explosion quirk and he was able to manipulate the hostage's body." said the hero but soon his eyes turned serious and he said, "And Kazami this is the 7th time we met like this. Seriously, don't expect that you will be left alone if you keep doing this vigilante work."

Shun shrugged his shoulders and said, "That girl over there called me to save her since the heroes were not able to evacuate her and she was too scared to run away. Do you think that I would have stayed behind knowing that someone I know and I am not on good terms with is in danger?"

Kamui Woods just sighed hearing that as he didn't knew how to retort to his statement.

Shun patted his shoulder and said, "Take care of the press for me. I need to drop her at her house." said Shun with a smile to which the wood man just nodded.

Shun then went towards Kei and then placed a hand on her shoulder and teleported away.