Physical exam

After the written exams were over the students were sent to the changing rooms to prepare for the physical examination.

Shun followed the group of boys heading towards the area designated to the boys and soon saw a bunch of of them inside the halls messing with the other students 'advising' them not to give the exams.

Shun ignored that and checked whether there were any hidden cameras in the room or not, and once he .are sure there weren't he went to a corner and changed his clothes before he quietly walked out. He didn't bother much about the students there as all of them were recommended by someone meaning not only do they have some ability to protect themselves but also some support behind them as well.

Soon Shun reached the huge hall where the exam would be held wearing a half t-shirt and shorts and saw a lot of students there.

"Well let's see what type of quirks do these guys have." said Shun as he started using appraisal on the students.

After checking about 30 students some examiners came in and started telling them to not gather up. Soon they were distributed in groups and Shun noticed a familiar red and whit haired boy in his group.

He gave a nod to the boy which he returned as well before both of them looked away and were minding their business.

"It's getting so passionate in here that I am not being able to hold myself back!!" said one of the boys wearing a tracksuit and an excited look on his face.

Seeing that Shun nodded and took a step away from him.

"Alright everyone we will be having you undertake some physical tests. You all are allowed to use your quirks so give your all everyone." said one of the teachers from the speaker.

Shun and the others were then led to different courses and the first thing that Shun need to do was a 100m race with the rest of his group.

All of them took their positions and started stretching.

Shun too did some stretches while also customizing his clothes to increase his strength and speed. He then looked towards the examiner who was looking after his group and saw the familiar loud mouth pro.

Shun just let that be as he knew that he caught intrest of someone troublesome once again and let it be.

"READY EVERYONEEEE!!! On your marks...Get set.....GOOOOOOOO!!!!"

Not even a second later Shun took off forming a crater at the place he was standing and launched forward.

Without even caring for who was behind him Shun kept running until he heard something.

"You are awesome!!! Looks like I need not to hold back against someone like you." said a boy who was just behind him and soon strong gusts of wind started coming out from the boys back.

Seeing that Shun wasn't much shocked as he just narrowed his eyes and said, "No need to hold back against me dude, we don't need you making that excuse for your loss you know." said Shun as he used his quirk and a blue aura surrounded him and his strength and speed increased even further making him instantly disappear from his spot.

Present Mic as well as the other teachers who were looking at this from the monitoring room had their eyes opened wide but soon they turned normal, though they still noted Shun's name as he impressed them quite a bit.

Not much later Shun appeared bat the finishing line and drifted a few metres after he came to a stop.

He then looked towards the track and saw the wind guy and Todoroki surfing on ice.

"They are neck to neck but the wind one will win easily." said Shun as he saw the wind guy flip at the end letting his feet came forward and get the lead at the last instant.

Shun stared at the wind guy for a while and thought, '... Seriously...he slowed down quite a bit compared to the time he face me.....and what the hell was that at the end. It wasn't necessary at all.'

He then saw how Todoroki ignored the other boy and was confused why he was different from his other siblings. But just kept it at the back of his mind....he don't need to interfere with other families since his own family history was not something to be bragged about.

The wind guy glared at Todoroki for a bit before he turned towards Shun and with a huge smile rushed towards him.

"That was great race my friend!!! I really liked how passionate you were just now."

"...Thanks, you were quite good as well..." said Shun.

Seeing that Shun was not being cocky and acting like a prick like the other guy he just met the wind guy smiled and said, "I am Inasa Yorahi. It's nice to meet you!" said Inasa as he bowed his head to the point of smashing his head against the ground.

"....You have quite a durable head.....I am Shun Kazami. Nice to meet you as well." said Shun.

Inasa nodded and then rushed off to greet the other students in the group they were in.

Shun seeing that Mic was done writing the records moved towards the next course which seemed to be a machine used to measure the power of their attacks.

Shun who saw that knew that he was already the winner because as long as it was something non living that he had to show his strength against, it was pretty much doomed to getting destroyed.

But being the good boy that Shun was Shun just split the machine in half while also teleporting some of its parts back to his underground workshop, and no Shun didn't steal....he just took what he destroyed and there were no rules that said that examinees were not allowed to take what they destroyed. Not to mention it was better since he will atleast use those things unlike UA who would most probably throw them away or sell them since mos of the machines were not in a condition bro be fixed. Some were melted, some were broken into tiny bits heck there was one guy who chewed through the machine.

Shin just ignored that and waited for the exams to finish. Once all the tests were over he went towards the changing room and soon changed and returned back to Sorahiko and immediately asked, "When is the result going to come out?"

Sorahiko thought for a while and said, "It will take around a month....why really excited to join this school?" with a grin on his face.

"...Yeah..." said Shun and then thought, 'This school can go to hell for all I care, I get to do it with Rumi as soon as I get the result and that's what matters.'

Controlling his fantasies about his girlfriend Shun and Sorahiko went to a restaurant to celebrate even though the results were still not out. Well neither of them thought that the school would be rejecting him either way so a little celebration didn't hurt at all.

Sorahiko called All Might and the other to join as well though he forgot that there was still some dispute between All Might and Night eye making it slightly awkward for all of them, but still it was resolved soon as All Might was quite a party maker and there was no way Night eye could have held himself back that much in front of his idol.