Battle trial....or survival trial

Shun and the other boys soon arrived out of the tunnel that led to ground beta and saw All Might standing there all alone.

All Might who heard the footsteps coming from the tunnel looked in that direction with a curious and excited gaze. He was really interested to see how the heroes he is going to teach have designed their costumes since it was important for a hero to have a cool costume(according to him)

'Hmm..Hmm. good good. Ida-kun is just looking like his brother the others are looking cool as well.....but what is Midoriya-shounen wearing.... seeing it is making me embarrased. Now let's see where is Shun-shounen.' thought All Might as he looked around but didn't see Shun.

'...If I can't see his face then he must be that other full armoured guy.' thought All mIght as he looked at Shun's costume and couldn't help but be proud at his junior.

'I am so glad that Shun-shounen took my advice and used some eye catching colours for his suit.' thought All Might as he wiped the single tear that came out of his eye.

"Good all of you are looking like heroes." said All Might as he gave a thumbs up.

The students felt happy being praised by by the number one hero and then looked at him.




"...So....what are we waiting for?" asked Shun seeing that All Might was not saying anything.

"The girl's haven't arrived yet." said All Might making Shun and the other boys widen their eyes in horror.

"...This might take some time..." said Shun, hearing which the other boys just sighed.


Twenty minutes passed by since the boys arrived and now all of them were sitting on the ground like little children listen to All Might's story about one of his fights.

Shun took off his armour since it looked totally awkward seeing a cool full body armour wearing boy sitting on the ground like a child and listening to stories.

Soon all of them heard the sound of footsteps hearing which all the boys sighed and stood up once again and stretched their bodies.

Shun equipped his suit once more and thought, 'I am so glad that Rumi don't take this much time in preparing or shopping.'

"Alright then since everyone is here let me explain what we will be doing today." said All Might and started explaining the rules.

Long story short, the students would be divided in pairs of two and will be pitted against each other like heroes and villains.

The villain team will be in a possession of a bomb made of paper masche and will be protecting it from the heroes who will invade the building after the villains were done setting up the building.

'...I don't care whom I am with, I want to play the villain.' thought Shun as he watched All Might making pairs.




"Looks like we are on a team, let's do our best Shun!" said the pink skinned alien girl as she looked at the red armoured Shun.

"Sure, Mina. But just asking you don't have any problems with being villain, right?" asked Shun

"Nope, none at all....but are you aiming to be the villain in this training?" asked Mina.

Shun's helmet opened up to reveal his face as he said, "You can't even imagine how fun it will be if we get to become the villains."

Mina looked at Shun with a confused look on her face but just shrugged it off as she looked towards All Might who started deciding which team will represent which side and their opponents.

"Team F v/s Team C. Team F will be the villains." said All Might.

"Yes!!" said Shun as he did a guts pose making everyone look at him with surprise.

"Was he aiming to be the villain?" asked Kirishima who was from team C along with Sero.

Mina nodded her head and said, "He told that it would be very fun if we become the villains."

Both Kirishima and Sero looked confused but shrugged their shoulders. They were heroes and it was their job to defeat the villains in this training.

Shun on the other hand had a smirk which was hidden by his helmet as he was thinking how he would be customizing the whole building.

All Might on the other hand who saw Shun knew that it would be a hell for the heroes and enjoyment for him and just looked at Kirishima and Sero with pity.

All Might then led everyone to the monitoring room where he showed them that he was able to see every fight at anywhere.

Shun on the other hand was being bombarded by questions from the girls about his costume.

All Might who saw how popular his junior was felt proud but still told them to focus and started telling them the rules once again.


"Damn...Izuku won by a really, really close margin." said Shun as he saw the fight between the two childhood friends.

All Might nodded his head as he heard Shun's words and looked at his successor who had his hand broken and sighed.

Soon the Bakugo and the others returned except for Midoriya as he was gone to get treated.

The second match in which Todoroki was from the heroes side was finished instantly with him freezing the whole damn building and then taking the bomb.

Once that match was over it was Shun's turn to enter.

Shun and Mina were sent to the building and were given 15 minutes for them to set the building up however they liked.

"So what are you planning to do Shun?" asked Mina.

Shun smiled behind his helmet and said, "Just wait and see."


15 minutes later:

"Alright hero team you can start now." said All Might through the microphone.

Kirishima and Sero nodded their heads and then entered the building with a confident expression on their faces.

Just as they entered inside the building the passage behind the m closed all of a sudden with a bang.

"What was that?" asked Sero as he looked at the closed entrance he just came from.

"I don't know but it looks like we are trapped in here." said Kirishima.

"...Should we continue to go forward?" asked Zero with slight worry.

"Of course we are going, A man never backs down from something like this." said Kirishima.

Sero just nodded his head followed Kirishima who just walked forward

Suddenly while walking Kirishima'ss feet sunk into the ground making him look down at he leg.

There he found a part of the ground being pressed by his feet and then soon after that they heard a rustling sound.

"What is this noise?" asked Kirishima.

"...Hey Kirishima-kun, please tell me you don't see those walls closing in on us." said Sero with a nervous tone.

Kirishima looked at the wall and noticed it to be moving closer towards them as well.

"...I see that too." aid Kirishima as he immediately started running towards the stairs.

Just as he started running the walls started rushing towards him at a faster speed making both the boys very nervous.

"Sero! Run faster!!" yelled Kirishima as he hardened himself and started running faster.

"What the hell do you think I am doing!!" said Sero as he fired his tape forward,. hoping to grab something and pull himself forward.

Kirishima and Sero soon reached the staircase and immediately claimed a few stairs and heard a loud bang behind them.

They turned around and saw the wall touching each other and then going back to their positions.

"Seriously ha ha what the ha hell was ha that!" said Kirishima while taking deep breaths.

"It's just like ha ha one of those ha ha classic traps." said Sero crouching on the ground looking worse than Kirishima.

"Anyway let's continue we still need to get that bomb." said Kirishima as he stood straight and looked at the floor above him with worry.


On the top floor of the same building Shun and Mina were watching Sero and Kirishima running for their lives from the walls and Mina said, "Isn't this too much? And how did you do that?"

"That's a secret and don't worry I promise that they won't die." said Shun who was currently working on making something using his customize create.

Soon the ground in front of him shined and a big machine appeared in front of him and Mina that was connected to Shun's suit.

"Here, wana press some buttons." said Shun making Mina look at the machine which had the tempting glowing buttons on it.

"Ooh...yeah!" said Mina as she stood beside him and looked at the buttons.

"But what do these buttons do?" asked Mina.

"Trigger various traps for them, I will set the floor you activate the traps." said Shun.

A huge grin appeared in Mina's face as she stretched her fingers and said, "Here we go!" and started pressing the buttons at an unimaginable speed.

'...what do you know...those guys are fu*ked' thought Shun as he looked at Mina rapidly pressing random buttons.


Back to Kirishima and Sero:

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS BUILDING!!! IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A BATTLE TRIAL NOT A SURVIVAL ONE!!" yelled Kirishima as he was clinging onto the edge of a deep out with Week grabbing his legs.

"Kirishima-kun don't even think about letting go!" said Aero who was looking down at the spiked pit. below him.

"A man never thinks about quitting!!" said Kirishima as he tried to lift himself up but immediately a bomber of arrows were fired towards him making him go back.

"Kirishima-kun!! don't shake your body like that!!" yelled Sero with fear as he almost let go of the leg he was holding onto.

"Hold on Sero I was just trying to get ourselves up." said Kirishima as he was about to lift his body up once again.

Sero who noticed that decided to climb up Kirishima's body to save himself.

"Oi! Where the hell do you think you are touching!" yelled Kirishima as he felt something grabbing his crotch.

"I don't know and I don't care." said Sero as he wrapped his tape around him and said, "Harden up Kirishima-kun. I have a plan."

Kirishima didn't know what to say but still followed his order and hardened up.

Sero pointed his other hand upward and fired his tape towards the ceiling. Once he felt that it stuck up there, Sero pulled himself up at a fast speed.

Just as they got out of the pit a number of arrows were shot at them once again. But this time Sero pulled Kirishima forward and used his hardened body as a shield.

Kirishima understood what Sero was planning grinned and said, "I will tank all that as a real man!" and let the arrows hit him and bounce off his hardened body.

Suddenly they once again started hearing rustling sounds and started looking around nervously.

"Sero, let go of the ceiling!" said Kirishima with a panicked tone.

Sero got confused and wanted to ask why but then noticed that the ground was getting closer to them.

"Shit another sandwiching wall." said Sero as he swung on his tape and then jumped off a few metres away from the pit and immediately started running towards the states.

Kirishima who was still wrapped by the tape didn't care about it and just ran forward at full speed leaving Sero behind.

"Hey! don't leave me here!" yelled Sero as he saw Kirishima run past him.

After Kirishima was quite a bit away from him he, saw him stopping there and run towards him.

"Kirishima-kun..." said Sero with a hopeful look on his face which immediately turned into despair when he saw the huge boulder following the red head.

"Nigerundayo Sero!!!" yelled a tied up Kirishima running at full speed.

Sero immediately turned around and ran away without looking at his back.


".... Aren't we going too far?" asked Shun.

"Nope, it is getting better!" said Mina with a wide smile as she continued firing traps after traps at the two heroes trying to come up.

Shun just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well it's fine, it is about to be finished soon anyway." and let the pink skinned girl enjoy a bit longer.