After school trip with Shirogane siblings

Walking towards the ramen shop that Miyuki told him about Shun read some info about the U.A. sports festival that might be useful for him to keep in mind. He knew the basics about it since he had helped Mirio and the others before for the festival but still decided to check about it.

"Hmm...Uncle Might?" muttered Shun as he saw a notification on his phone.


Wanna have dinner together tonight? We still have to discuss the matter from the USJ incident.

Your treat?


Fine, just send me the time and place later.



Turning off his phone Shun looked forward and thought, 'Today's full of unpredictable things.

"Oh, you are joining us as well Kei?" asked Shun as he saw the Shirogane siblings standing at the place where Miyuki and Shun promised to meet.

"Y-Yeah, I will like to join as well. I am not bothering you two, right?" asked Kei.

'...Who is this girl asking for permission so nicely?' thought Miyuki as he looked at his sister as if she grew a second head.

"No not at all. Though..." said Shun as he trailed off and looked at Miyuki.

Miyuki who saw Shun's gaze sighed and said, "It's fine. My business is not that secretive. So shall we go?"

"Sure." said Shun as he went with the Shirogane siblings.

Kei who was walking beside Shun had a smile on her face as both her and Shun followed her brother.

'Hah, to think Oni would get me such an opportunity. I will make something he likes for his mid night snack.' thought Kei with a smile on her face.

"How was your day at school after it reopened? Was there some troubles?" asked Miyuki as he looked at Shun.

"Hmm...well it was unique to say the least. Reporters were all around the school today, though we were able to get past them easily. Our homeroom teacher came in the class looking like a mummy and told us to prepare ourselves for the UA sports festival." said Shun.

"Oh, it's going to happen soon, huh. You are taking part in it this year?" asked Miyuki.

"Well it's compulsory, so yeah." said Shun as he shrugged his shoulders.

"I will cheer for you Shun-san." said Kei with a serious tone as she looked at him.

Shun smile and said, "Oh, looks like I need to put some effort if you are going to cheer for me."

"Hmm, I will so make sure to do your best." said Kei.

"Alright." said Shun as suddenly grabbed both Miyuki and Kei and pulled them towards himself.

"Eh?" "Wha-" yelped both the siblings in surprise.

"Be careful you two, someone might bump into you and break his shoulders or legs you, know." said Shun as he glared at the man who was about to bump into Miyuki.


The said man clicked his tongue and then walked away while he kept glaring at Shun.

"What was that Shun?" asked Miyuki as he looked back at the man who walked away.

"That bastard was about to bump into you and pretend being injured to escort money." said Shun as he let go of the siblings.

"What?! How did you know that?" asked Miyuki.

"He smirked as he saw us walking towards him and then started walking towards you as well plus I recognized the gang symbol on his clothes." said Shun as he glared back at the man who averted his eyes as he saw Shun.

"I have dealt with the likes of them before." said Shun and then gestured the sibling to continue walking.

"So you have been caught in the same situation like that as well Shun-san?" asked Kei curiously.

Shun looked at the girl and noticed that she was clinging onto his arm probably because she was still a bit shocked from his recent action. Deciding to not point that out Shun said, "Yeah, it turned into a mess, four people surrounded the lady who runs the general store around the corner near our home after someone bumped into her and broke his shoulder."

"That lady. What did you do then? Compensated them?" asked Miyuki getting interested in the topic.

"Nah, like hell I will. I didn't use violence since the lady could have been caught up later by them so I told them that I have a quirk that can help him and just touched his shoulder."

"And then they got away? Since I know that your quirk cannot heal." said Miyuki.

"Nah, they didn't believed me at first so I just took out a note from my wallet and ripped it right in front of them. After that I used my quirk to fix that note and told them that my quirk can reverse time." said Shun.

"....You have got guts to tear a note right in front of them." said Miyuki looked at Shun with a shocked look on his face.

"I know, even their eyes seemed to have popped out of their socket as they saw me ripping the money right in front of them. Though it all worked in the end and that lady gave me a huge discount the next time I went to her store." said Shun with a smile.

"You have some crazy ideas." said Miyuki as he smiled.

"That was a very smart move Shun-san." said Kei.

"I know, right. Since your quirk works in a similar way use it if you get in a situation like that." said Shun as he looked at Kei who nodded her head and had finally let go of his hand.

"Oh we are here." said Miyuki as all of them stood in front of a ramen shop.

"I asked about the store from one of my friends. So it should be fine I guess." said Miyuki as he just prayed that Fujiwara would not have played a prank on him and told him about a weird store.

All of them entered the store and Miyuki was glad that shop was normal from the inside and sighed as all of them were greeted by the owner who asked them to take a seat.

Seeing that the shop was empty all of them took the counter seat and Miyuki immediately looked at the prices of the food in the store since he knew that Inthe endhe was going to pay for Leo's portion as well and was hoping that the money that he had would be enough for that.

Sighing in relief that the menu food was not that expensive all of them had their food and were happy with the quality.

Feeling satisfied with the taste all of them left with a smile on their faces though Kei was busy thinking about how much calories she need to burn because of the ramen.

'Though it was a great experience. I got an indirect kiss from Shun-san.' thought Kei as she did a guts pose and remembered the scene of Shun feeding her since she muttered that she wanted to taste what Shun was having.

'My plan worked!' thought Kei as she was felt happy that the plan that she made in a hurry worked.

"She seems to be happy." muttered Miyuki.

"Hehe, Oni I will make you something good for your midnight snack." said Kei with a smile on her face seeing which Miyuki widened his eyes in surprise and thought, 'Is she going to poison me?'

"Oh seems like Miyuki is in luck today. By the way when do you want to do that French speaking practice?" asked Shun.

The favour that Miyuki asked of him was to help him a bit in speaking French since students from France will be coming to their school soon, so he wanted some help with that and asked Shun to be his partner for practice.

"How about after dinner?" asked Miyuki.

"Sure, but tonight will be a problem since I have a prior appointment. So let's start it from tomorrow." said Shun.

"Okay. I will use that time to go through a bit in that on my own." said Miyuki as he started to think about the preparations that his principal asked him to make.


Later that day in the evening Shun went to All Might's house as he thought that the conversation that they would be having should not be leaked outside and decided to invite Shun at his home.

"I am here." said Shun as he saw the deflated All Might opening the door.

"....I don't sound like that at all." said All Might with a deadpan look on his face after seeing Shun mimic him.

"Here, some pastries." said Shun as he handed a box to All Might.

"Oh! Thank you." said All Might as he took the box from Shun and then gestured him to come in.