Nice ass, right?

"Hell yeah!! We won!!" declared Bakugo with an excited expression on his face immediately getting out of formation and looking at the other teams around him.

Letting Tokoyami down Shun high fived both him and dark shadow. Needless to say both Tokoyami and dark shadow were trying their best to look not that excited like an anime protagonist that they like but Shun could see that those two really want to let it out.

"You two were awesome! I knew that you will be the best rider for the team." said Shun as he complimented his friends which made their lips started twitching and in the end a huge smirk appeared on their faces as they both did a guts pose and said simultaneously, "We were really badass out there."

Smiling at his otaku friends Shun shook his head and looked at Kirishima and high fived him as well and said, "Good job, as expected of the man who could get hard anywhere and at anytime. You did last till the end."

"...I knew that it was a compliment but did you really had to put it like that. Sheesh whatever, the only thing that matters is-"

"WE WON YOU BASTARDS!!!" yelled Bakugo as he butted in between Shun and Kirishima.

Seeing the excited explosive boy Shun raised his hand and not even a second later Bakugo high fived him with a huge smirk on his face, only to realize what his did a few seconds later.

A look of shock appeared on his face as he looked at his own hand and then looked towards Shun.

"Don't think much about it you bastard! You did well to assist me in my victory!!" said Bakugo as he averted his eyes.

"Whatever pleases you Katsuki. Just think what you like." said Shun as he patted Bakugo's shoulder and walked away.

"What was that?!" asked Bakugo with an angry tone as he looked towards Shun who just walked away from him and went towards someone else.

Patting the shoulder of the person who surprised him in the match Shun looked at Ida with a serious look his face.

Turning around and looking at Shun, Ida was surprised seeing the leader of the team he lost against and was curious what he wanted to talk about.

'Is he here to flaunt his win?' Ida thought.

"You were great at the end. I never expected that you could go that fast. If the weight you were carrying would have been less then I would have been caught off guard without a doubt." said Shun with an impressed tone.

Widening his eyes at the sudden praise the glasses wearing boy was left speechless as he took his time to process what just happened.

"A-Ah tha-thank you. Y-Y-You too Kazami-kun! You were great as well." said Ida while stuttering. He felt both happy and a bit of embarassment since he never expected to be praised because they were unable to take the winning head band in the end.

Scratching the back of his Ida talked to Shun for a bit longer before he left to talk with Midoriya and Uraraka since who were looking at him with weird expressions on their faces.

"Hey, Ida-kun. What were you talking to Shun-san, about?" asked Midoriya being a bit curious about the conversation.

"Oh, um...Kazami-kun praised me for what I did at the end there. Hahaha." said Ida ashe laughed out a bit inorder to hide his embarrassment.

Midoriya's eyes immediately widend as he looked at Ida with envy.

'Ugh, I still haven't been praised by Shun-san even once. I need to work harder to master OFA and make him notice me.' thought Midoriya as he too wanted to be praised by Shun who was his second favourite role model after All Might since he believed him and helped him to become a hero.

Suddenly out of nowhere Midoriya felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around only to find Todoroki looking at him with an expressionless face.

"Come with me." was all that Todoroki said which immediately made the green haired OFA inheritor flinch as he just nodded his head and followed Todoroki.


"... Seriously, you are making me run errands even today?"

"Oh come on, that geezer don't know how to hold himself back. The second he meets some of his old rowdy friends he gets too excited and forgets that he is not supposed to eat what he is allergic to. Go and give him these."

Talking to his grandma who was totally annoyed at his hopeless grandpa Shun sighed as he took the medicine that she had and thought, 'Well he did placed a huge bet on me, so I guess I should not fuel the fire here.'

"Alright, I will get going. Be safe and keep an eye out for anything dangerous." said Shun as he looked at Chiyo.

"I know I know, now bend down."


"...Do it or I will make you." said Chiyo with a threatening look on her face.

'Honestly she doesn't look threatening at all.' thought Shun as he bent down and immediately felt his head being held by Chiyo who patted him.

"You were awesome Shun. I am very proud of you." said Chiyo with a smile as she kissed his forehead inorder to heal him.

"I know that." said Shun with a slightly embarrassed look on his face as he hoped that no one enters the room and see this sight of him.

And just as he thought that the door knob twisted and-

'Not on my watch!' Shun thought as he immediately used customize create on the door and locked it. He immediately stood up gave a hug to Chiyo and then left the room without even giving Chiyo a chance to say anything.

The old lady just laughed at her grandson's antics and saw him leave the room and another student entering the room as well.

Chiyo looked at the student who just entered and saw a girl who instead of looking forward was looking towards Shun, who just left.

"Nice ass, right?" asked Chiyo.

"...Yeah...Wha-No No I mean yeah! I mean no!!" said the girl with a huge blush and a panicked look on her face seeing which Chiyo chuckled and just let the girl enter to check her up for injuries and all.