Start of the final event

After the matchups for the final event were decided, the students who didn't qualify for the final round decided to participate in the recreational games to show off their quirks to the heroes.

Shun and the others who were in the 1vs 1 match decided to not take part to conserve their energy, though that wasn't the case for Shun as he simply went to check on Mirio and the other two in the third year's arena.


Shun looked around his surroundings and soon found the familiar blue-haired girl.


Hearing someone calling her name Nejire turned around and saw Shun approaching her.

Her lips lifted as a smile appeared on her face and she waves back at Shun.

"Shun! How was your match? How many rounds did you qualify?"

With an excited expression on her face, Nejire started asking questions.

Looking at his overexcited friend with a helpless smile Shun held her by the shoulders to stop her from moving around him and said, "I am in the final round right now, and at the first place at that. What about you guys?"

Hearing that Shun was in the final round Nejire became even happier as she held his hands and started asking about the details of the first year's sports festival.

Knowing that there was some time in the final round, Shun decided to describe the events for her and the two of them soon found a place to sit and talk.

"I have been meaning to ask this for a while but, where are the other two?" asked Shun.

Nearly thirty minutes passed by since Shun and Nejire started their talk but despite all that time Mirio and Tamaki were nowhere to be found.

"Oh, they were called in by the teacher," said Nejire as she took a piece of chocolate and fed it to Shun.

"Hm? Why? Did something happen?" asked Shun as he savored the sweetness in his mouth.

"Our first match was a race and Togata got some idea which involved him using his quirk. Hahaha, he got naked right in front of all the audience and was immediately called off after the race was over," said Nejire as she laughed out loud remembering the scene of him getting naked which made all the nearby girls scream out loud.

Hearing what happened to Mirio Shun sighed. He then looked back at Nejire and was about to ask about Tamaki, but stopped after he saw the girl staring intently at him.

Both of them remained silent for a while when suddenly Nejire gaze shifted towards Shun's pants.

"...What are you doing?" asked Shun with a slightly nervous tone. He could guess that something weird was going through her head.

"...Hey Shun, remember the last time we came to play at your place after the USJ incident?" asked Nejire.

"Yeah. What about that?"

"That time when we were playing that game. The thing poking me was not your phone right."

Saying that Nejire looked up at Shun who was speechless after hearing what the girl just said.


"Umu, never mind," said Nejire as she shook her head, but soon a smile appeared on her face.

Shun looked at her curiously while the girl in question rested her head on his shoulders and interlocked her fingers with his as she held his hand tightly.

"You look happy all of a sudden."

"That's because I am."


Hearing his question Nejire looked at his face and said, "That's a secret."

"You won't even tell me?"

"Hmm....maybe someday, but not now," said Nejire as she sat lifted her head from his shoulder, and sat straight.

She then loosened her fingers and was about to stand up but then noticed that Shun was still holding onto her hand.

Realizing what happened Shun soon frees his hand and checked the time.

"Well I should get going the third event is about to start."

"Sure~Best of luck."

With a charming smile on her face, Nejire wished him luck as Shun walked back after thanking her.

With a happy feeling, Nejire decided to check on her other two friends and turned around only to find the two of them peeking at her from distance.


"Togata! Tamaki! You two just missed Shun, he is in the final round you know."

As the two of them got closer to Nejire she noticed Tamaki averting his eyes with a panicked look and a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Oi Tamaki, act normal," whispered Mirio as he noticed his friend's expression.

Tilting her head in confusion Nejire just looked at the two of them with a curious look on her face.

Seeing her expression Mirio immediately grabbed her shoulders and said, "Nejire, I will try my best to support and help you. I am Shun's closest and best friend so just tell me whenever you need my aid."

Declaring his part Mirio immediately led the two of them to watch the final round of the third year division as Nejire got even more confused than she already was and Tamaki just kept muttering, "I witnessed something private that I shouldn't have. I am sorry."


Arriving back in the first year's arena Shun joined his classmates.

The others who saw him immediately turned curious wondering what he was doing, but just keep the questions to themselves since Shun was sitting with a serious look on his face.

On the other hand, Shun's head was filled with thoughts about what happened just a few minutes ago and the huge debate whether he should tell Rumi or not.

'*sigh*For now, let's just focus on the match and the money. I just got a bit sidetracked at that moment.' thought Shun as he soon snapped out of bus thoughts and heard Present Mic announcing the start of the final round.

Seeing Midoriya walking away Shun stared at the OFA possessor for a while before he looked away and thought, 'Don't fail Uncle Might's expectations.'


Suddenly he heard Midoriya calling him and turned to look at the green-haired boy.


"I will do my best!" said Midoriya with a look of determination on his face.

"...Doing your best doesn't mean anything if you fail others expectations. Tell me Izuku, whether you will win or not?"

Seeing Shun totally crushing his determination many students widened their eyes in shock.

Midoriya himself was shocked by Shun's words. He never expected that one of the few people who supported him and helped him would say something like that.

'No, he is right. Trying my doesn't mean anything if I don't show any results or stand up to others' expectations. All Might, Mom, Shun-san, all of them stood by me and helped me reach where I am today. I cannot simply say that I will try my best. I need to show results. I need to show them who stood by me all this time, that their trust in me is not wasted...I need to show the world that I am here!' Midoriya thought and soon his shocked expression turned back to that of a confident one as he looked at Shun directly in the eyes and said, "Shun-san, I will win this for sure."

Hearing his answer Shun smiled at said, "Make sure to remember those words Izuku. Best of luck."

Nodding his head once Midoriya turned around and soon left for his match with a confident expression on his face.