Shun v/s Bakugo

Hearing Midnight announce that it was his victory, Shun calmed down and looked at the fallen Todoroki outside of the arena.

He was about to jump down the stage and check if hit Shoto a bit too hard, but before he could do so, helper robots came with a stretcher and gathered around Todoroki.

"Leave him be Kazami. The finals will start soon enough, so it would be better if you would go back in the waiting room," said Midnight as she looked seriously at Shun.

Hearing that, Shun decided to follow her advice and went to the waiting room and waited for the finals to start.



Hearing that both Shun and Bakugo, who defeated Tokoyami quite easily in his semi-final match, came inside the stadium.

Seeing the two kids enter the crowd got insane and cheered for them. People called out the contestant that they thought would win. Some were cheering for Bakugo while some cheered for Shun.

The heroes who came here for scouting were looking very serious as they looked at the two teenagers. They too we're wondering who was going to win since they noticed from the earlier events, that both the finalists have similar types of quirks. Though they thought that Shun had a limit to how much he can use his quirk since he didn't use his quirk much in the first and second battle stage rounds.

On the other hand, Bakugo was someone who blasted his way to the finals without showing any limitations to his quirk.

The heroes who noted those things in mind were now waiting to see how the match will go since they too wanted to know who amongst the two will stand on the top and thus will be the best choice to recruit. They glanced at each other and noticed that the other people had similar thoughts as well and knew that the competition to get the recruits will be intense.

Not even caring about the internal conflicts amongst the heroes who came to watch the event, leaving their jobs of protecting the citizens. Shun and Bakugo came on top of the stage and looked at each other.



"I am going to be the one who will win this and get indisputable first place. So make sure you don't hold back against me," said Bakugo.

"Well, I don't have anything against you winning this. But sorry to say that you are not going to win Katsuki and do you know why?" asked Shun

Bakugo frowned at Shun making Shun take his stance.

"It's because money is on the line this time," said Shun as he did the 'come on gesture.

Bakugo didn't understand what the hell the bastard in front of him meant but seeing him gesturing him to come on made him grin.

"Don't look down on me you bastard!!!" yelled Bakugo as he rushed towards Shun by propelling his body forward with his explosions.

Coincidentally, the moment Bakugo took off, Midnight declared the start of the match so it was not noticed that they started to fight before the referee told them to.

Anyways, Bakugo soon appeared in front of Shun who still had his smirk on his face as he looked at Bakugo, which made the explosive boy pissed off even more.

"DIEEEEE!!!" yelled Bakugo as he fired an explosion at blank range.

But before he could point his hand towards his opponent, Shun grabbed his arm and held it in a direction away from him, and let Bakugo fire off his explosion.

Not giving any chance for his opponent to interpret what just happened Shun let go of Bakugo's arm and gave a roundhouse kick to Bakugo's stomach.

But Bakugo was quick enough to block the kick with his arms and just got pushed back.

He then looked towards Shun to curse him again, but the next instant he saw Shun's arm directly in front of him.

"Lariat!!!" yelled Shun taking Bakugo by surprise as he smashed the explosive boy on the ground and landed on his butt.

"Gah-" was all that Bakugo could say as he felt the incoming pain from the attack.

Shun then slowly stood up from the ground and dusted off his butt. He then looked at Bakugo and asked, "That's it Katsuki?"

Bakugo glared at Shun and got up as well. He pointed his hands at him which started igniting.

"Just Die!!!"

"Slow," said Shun as he fired a blast of his own.

"It's not over yet!!" declared Bakugo as he came out of the smokescreen at full speed.

Shun seeing that bent sideways, missing Bakugo by a slight margin. He then made an orb of his energy and pushed it against the still airborne Bakugo.

Receiving a direct hit at point-blank range, Bakugo was sent flying but the blond buy persisted and stabilized his body using his explosions.

He fell on the ground but fortunately was still inside the fighting area. He then glared at the black-haired boy in front of him and soon got up with a pained expression on his face.

"Still got some steam left, Katsuki? Or should I just finish this," asked Shun.

'...Just finish this....' thought Bakugo as he looked towards the ground.

"Oi....oi oi oi oi, you bastard. Are you holding back against me?" asked Bakugo in an eerily calm tone.

Shun shrugged his shoulders and said, "Who knows, maybe."

Hearing that Bakugo gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He then slowly raised his hands and thought, 'It's all or nothing....'

Shun who looked at Bakugo was confused as to why he suddenly took a pose.

But soon he noticed that small explosions started to happen in his palms.

'He is planning to go all out.' thought Shun as Bakugo's explosions soon started to get bigger.

"DON'T LOOK DOWN ON ME YOU BASTARD!!! HOWITZER IMPACT!!!" yelled Bakugo as he came rushing in towards Shun with a spin.

Shun who looked at the incoming whirl of explosion gathered his aura around him and said, "Equivalent rebound."

And just as he said that Bakugo appeared in front of him at his full speed and fired the strongest explosion that he could possibly muster at Shun.

But just as that attack left Bakugo's hand, Shun's aura latched onto it and started absorbing it at full speed.

Seeing the explosion that he made getting smaller and smaller, Bakugo got surprised and was unable to notice what happened after that.

The moment Shun's aura finished absorbing the blast, Shun's first started glowing brightly with aura his blue-covered around it.

He then slowly moved his hand towards Bakugo and used his other hand to wave him good bye.

Just as he did that, strong wind blasted out of Shun's hand which contained all the energy Bakugo used in his previous attack.

Unable of being registering what was happening around him, Bakugo's body got sent flying out at great speed which only came to a stop as he crashed against the boundary of the stadium.

"Winner Shun Kazami!!!" declared Midnight as Shun just blinked in surprise as he looked at Bakugo's body as he didn't expect that the attack would be that strong.