The kid wakes up

After making sure that Rei ate her fill, Shun decided that it was time to take Eri back to her room, but before he could able to do that Rei asked Shun about the girl's situation.

"I am not absolutely sure, but when I met this kid I saw her running with a desperate look on her face as if she was running away from someone she was scared of."

Saying that Shun picked up the girl and caressed her head remembering the scared look that the girl had.

'Did I have a similar expression when I was running away?' thought Shun but soon shook his head to drive his thoughts away.

"So, it's just a possibility huh. But seeing her condition I don't think that you are that far off the mark," said Rei as she looked at the girl with a pitiful expression on her face.

"Well, she is safe for now. It was a good thing that she met you," said Rei with a smile as she looked at Shun.

'...I was the one who hit her head with a con though...' thought Shun but decided to just nod his head.

He then teleported back to his room and was about to lay the kid back on her bed, but noticed that her eyes were squirming a bit.

He placed the girl on the bed slowly and waited for a bit and soon the girl's eyes opened slightly.

Shun just remained silent and let the girl register whatever was going through her head.

The girl blinked her eyes a bit and then rubbed them while still feeling a bit sleepy. She then held her head and winced in pain when she touched the spot where the can hit her.

Seeing the girl wince in pain Shun just awkwardly looked away, feeling a bit guilty about hitting the kid.

"So, you are finally up, huh? Good morning," said Shun making the girl flinch in surprise after hearing Shun's voice.

She then looked at Shun with a scared look on her face which probably worried that the stranger in front of her was among the people who were chasing her earlier.

"Ah, no need to be scared kid, I am not going to harm you. I found you collapsed on the road and brought you to the hospital. So-"

But before he was able to finish the girl started remembering the scene of being chased by a group of angry and bad men and flinched in fear. She then tried to move away from Shun only to fall from the bed.

"Ah! Be careful," said Shun as he panicked a bit seeing the girl fall from the bed.

He walked towards the girl who was now on the floor and picked her up.

The girl who was now in Shun's hand immediately tried to get away from him but before she could even try Shun made the girl sit on the bed and looked at her.

"No one will come after you for a while. You can relax," said Shun with a calm tone.

The girl who heard the words from the boy in front of her stared at him for a while as if trying to know if he was telling the truth or not and as soon as she felt a bit safe tears began to come out of her eyes as she immediately clung onto Shun.

"P-Please, help me...Please save me..." said the girl as she increased the strength of her grip.

Hearing the pleading tone of the girl Shun just patted her back and said, "Don't worry. Everything is okay for now."

He tried to put her back and make her lie down to get some rest, but the girl didn't let go of his clothes and with a trembling tone asked, "P-P-Please don't go."

"...Alright," said Shun as he stopped trying to put her back and let her calm down.

After half an hour of trying to calm her down, Shun was finally freed from her grasp. He then made her lie down on the bed as she looked back at him with her puffy red eyes and snot-covered face.

He sighed seeing her condition and then picked her up much to the girl's surprise and took her to the washroom.

"Close your eyes and look towards the basin," said Shun as the girl looked in the mirror and saw the puffy eyes and snot on her face.

She followed his instructions and closed her eyes as Shun cleaned her face with water and then let her blow out her nose.

"There, all cleaned up. Now tell me, does it hurt anywhere, right now?" asked Shun as he wiped her face with a towel.

"U-Um, here, here and here." said the girl as she pointed at her hand, feet, and the spot where the can hit her.

"Alright, looks like no walking and using your hands for now," said Shun as he picked the kid and took her back to bed.

After making sure that she was sitting comfortably on the bed Shun took out some food and placed it in front of her.

"Want to eat or drink something?" asked Shun as he offered the items in front of her only for the girl to tilt her head in confusion.

'...This makes me remember the first time I saw packaged food.' thought Shun as he understood the questioning look on her face.

Seeing that she was unable to decide, Shun picked up a juice box and offered it to the girl after piercing the straw in it.

"Here, try this apple juice. If you don't like it then you don't need to force yourself, okay," said Shun as he held the juice box in front of the girl who timidly took it from him and then took a sip.

Immediately her eyes widened in surprise as Shun could notice that her eyes shone for a bit.

'Guess she likes it.' thought Shun as he saw the girl drinking the juice in a hurry.

Not even a minute later Shun heard a sound that signified that the juice box was empty and chuckled seeing the disappointed look on the girl's face.

Noticing the person beside her was laughing the girl became embarrassed and blushed immediately only for Shun to offer another box of juice to the girl who with a blush on her face took it from him.

"Don't worry, no one is going to take it from you. Wait, I will call a doctor," said Shun as he stood up from his seat making the girl look at him with an anxious look on her face. She immediately stopped drinking and held Shun's sleeve and looked at her with a scared look on her face.

"...I am not leaving. I will be back in a minute," said Shun as he patted the girl's head making her flinch in pain as he accidentally touched the spot where the can hit her.

"Ah! I am sorry. Anyways, wait here-" said Shun as he opened the door to go out and call for a doctor, but immediately stopped as he noticed one coming his way.

Seeing the familiar doctor that he didn't want to meet right now Shun immediately closed the door and locked it.

".... It's alright, she didn't see m-," muttered Shun but immediately he heard a knock on the door.

"Shun! I saw you! Open the door!"

Hearing that Shun sighed as the girl panicked a bit hearing the angry voice directed at the boy.

He opened the door and soon a short old lady with an injection cane appeared in front of them.

"Why are you here today, grandma Chiyo."

"I should be the one asking that? What are you doing're kidnapping little girls now?!?!" yelled Chiyo as she noticed the girl with a juice box in her hand.

"...Yeah, and what better place to go than a fu*king hospital with a girl you just picked up," said Shun and immediately got hit by the cane.

"Language, young man," said Chiyo as she looked at Shun with a reprimanding look on her face.

"So, what's the problem here, who is this kid?" asked Chiyo as she walked past Shun and came in front of the bed.

Shun closed the door with a sigh and then stood beside Chiyo who looked back at him.

"What? Can't see the one who is on the bed, little lady." which earned him another smack from the cane.