
"You all have your costumes right?"

Currently, the students of class 1-A were gathered at the train station. Their one-week internship was about to start and right now they were being lectured by Aizawa about the dos and don't at the internship workplace.

'Like some rules are gonna stop me.' thought Shun.

"Be on your best behavior. Off with you now."


Saying that the class dispersed as they went to their specific trains.

'Izuku is going to grandpa's place...hope he survives his barrage of Taiyaki.' thought Shun as he glanced at Midoriya who was running after Iida.


"This must be it."

Standing in front of the building which according to the map must be Ryukyu's hero agency Shun just looked around to check if there was any unnecessary surveillance.

After taking note of all the surveillance cameras and all the available blind spots, Shun walked towards the agency and entered through the front door.

He then walked to the reception where he found a lady looking at him with a business smile on her face.

"Hello, how may I help you?"

"Hello. I came to work as an intern under Ryukyu."

Shun proceeded to show her the documents that he had with him. The lady went through the documents before she picked up her phone and called someone.

Shun just waited as he looked around the office and checked for surveillance in the office as well.

Not soon after he was done he heard a familiar voice calling him.


Turning toward the source of the sound, Shun saw a light blue-haired girl coming towards him with her boobs jiggling and a huge smile on her face.

"Hey, Nejire."

Not even bothering to reply to him Nejire jumped at Shun who grabbed her and stopped her from making both of them fall.

"I am so happy that you came to work here! We are gonna have so much fun!!"

"Calm down Nejire. He came here to learn not to have fun." said the blonde-haired lady who came along with Nejire as she smacked Nejire's head with a booklet.

Shun looked toward the lady who just hit Nejire. The lady was wearing a red qipao with a weird accessory covering her right eye.

'Weird fashion sense.' thought Shun as he easily recognized her as the pro hero Ryukyu, his employer, and mentor for the week.

Letting go of Nejire Shun gave a bow to Ryukyu and greeted her.

"Thank you for allowing me to intern with you. My name is Shun Kazami."

Ryukyu looked at him as she sniffed something. Her eyes widened for a bit before her expression turned back to normal. She smiled at Shun and said, "Glad to have you work with us as well. As you already know, my name's Ryuko Tatsuma. Hero name Ryukyu. And this girl is Nejire, though you two already know each other."

"Yes. Thank you for taking care of this idiot right here. I hope she isn't troubling you."

"Oh, no need to worry she is a sweet girl."

The two bowed to each other as they said the blue-haired girl looked at their interaction and thought, 'Why does it feel like they are treating me like a kid?'

Done with the introductions, Ryukyu gestured for Shun to follow her and Nejire.

The three of them soon entered a lift as Ryukyu looked toward Shun and asked, "So, what was the reason that made you join my agency? Considering your performance at the sports festival, many top-ranked agencies should have contacted you."

"They sure did, but this agency seemed right for me to join. Firstly, Nejire is here, Secondly, the stipend was good, and finally, there was something that I genuinely wanted to learn from you," said Shun as Nejire instantly cheered up and had a slight blush when Shun told that he joined this agency because she was here as well.

"Hm? Do you want to learn something from me? Didn't think that our quirk had something in common?" asked Ryukyu.

"Not much, but I wanted to learn how to fight with and against sentient giants. You seemed to be the best choice amongst the list of heroes that I had with me."

"That's a unique request. Well sure, I have to teach you anyway. It's better that we know what we have to work on." said Ryukyu with a smile. She already had a good impression of Shun if the stories from Nejire were anything to be considered. But talking to him personally made her have an even better impression of the young man.

Shun who was unknown of what the pro hero in front of her was thinking looked toward her exposed thighs.

'She ain't wearing panties...Yeah, this workplace just got a whole lot better than Uncle Nighteye's.' thought Shun.

'Hehe, Shun and I will be working together for the whole week. We are gonna have so much fun and if possible...' thought Nejire as she smiled.

The three of them unknown of each other's thoughts just smiled as the lift finally stopped and the three of them got out.

Shun looked around the room which he considered Ryukyu's office. He checked for surveillance and security in this room and noted that the security was tighter compared to the other floors.

Ryukyu then sat on her seat as Shun and Nejire stood in front of her desk. She then explained the schedule and duties that Shun needed to be aware of.

Shun just made a mental note of the things that were told to him and found a lot of loopholes that he might use if was going to do something 'non-heroic'.

'Well, the villains better not give me a reason to do that.' thought Shun as he just nodded his head at Ryukyu's words.