End of the first joint operation

Once the heroes made sure that the villains were down they decided to take all of them out of the building.

Seeing that the work on the floor was done, Shun decided to take the kid back to his father.

Ryukyu decided to go with him since she felt that her presence might be good to calm down the hostages that might be panicking because of the situation they were in.

The three of them started walking toward the room where the hostages were.

The kid whom Shun saved and made him cry was now normal and was looking at Shun with admiration. He thanked him a lot for saving him and seeing the cool full body armor the boy became Incredible's first fan.

"Incredible!" called the boy making Shun look at the kid who was walking while holding his hand.


"What is your quirk?"


"Are you strong?"


"How strong?"

"Too strong."

"WOW!!! COOL!!!"

Yup...that much of a fan was the kid whom Shun saved just a few moments ago.

Seeing the interaction Ryukyu chuckled making Shun even more annoyed than he already was. Sure he didn't like seeing kids suffer more so to be in a situation like he was when he was their age. But did he find kids annoying? Yeah.

'*Sigh* Let's get him back to his dad and finish this mission.' thought Shun as he saw the door to the room the hostages were in.

Shun used customize create to unlock the room and then enter the room only to widen his eyes in shock.

"Hands up where I can see them or the girl dies. And don't try anything funny my quirk will cause an explosion strong enough to destroy this whole room and all the people in it."

Shun and Ryukyu turned serious as they saw the scene in front of them and without making any suspicious moments the two of them along with the kid raised their hands.

Currently, a man who Shun remembers to be one of the hostages was holding a gun in his hand and had Nejire as his hostage with the gun shoved inside Nejire's mouth. Moreover, Nejire was restrained by Bind's quirk and had her hands up in the air making it so that she cannot just attack the man physically while her quirk takes a bit of time to start.

Shun narrowed his eyes and used appraisal on the man.





"Calm down man, no need to do anything foolish. Don't forget that you are in this room as well. You will die too." said Shun who was bow cautious of the man after he knew about the quirk that he possessed. He knew that there was no danger to his life. But he cannot say the same for Nejire and the rest of the hostages.

"Keep quiet!!" screamed the man with a panicked yet maniac-like expression on his face.

"Alright dude, chill," said Shun once again making the man even angrier.

The man then looked around the room once again. Seeing that no one was misbehaving the man looked toward Bind.

"Oi! Bondage man restrain those two as well."

Bind gritted his teeth in anger but still complied. He was angry at himself because he let the villain catch Nejire since he let his guard down and now all of them were in a situation like this.

"I am sorry Incredible." apologized Bind as he started restraining Shun.

"Don't worry, he will be the one who will sorry for himself. I will make sure of it," muttered Shun.

Bind then proceeded to restrain Ryukyu and once he was done he immediately went to the corner he was told to be at.

The man seeing the two heroes restrained smiled maniacally and said, "Quite a difficult situation you all got in right?"

Ryukyu glared at the man and said, "Do you think that you will get out of here? We have already dealt with your comrades. You are the only one that is left."

Hearing what Ryukyu said the man started to laugh out loud and said, "Get out of here? Who said that I want to get out of here? I want to stay here for as long as I can. Today will be the last day that I will have to live in this shitty world!! I will finally die today and take that bastard along with me!! And as for the people you have caught?... Well, let's see how long are you all going to be able to keep them."

Hearing his answer Shun and Ryukyu frowned. This man was a lost cause since he has a death wish to begin with. But two facts caught Shun's ears that the man just casually said.

'Who does he want to take along with him? And what does he mean by the last part....they have a backup arriving soon or what?' thought Shun.

Ryukyu glanced at Shun who noticed that and glanced toward her as well. The two stared at each other for a while before Ryukyu lightly shook her head.

The whole interaction was very done in a discrete way making the man unaware of the interaction that the two of them had.

'She wants to wait and watch to make him spill even more information.' thought Shun as he glared at the man. He didn't want to leave Nejire hanging like that but Ryukyu was right as well getting the info from the man takes priority.

"Ah! I can finally leave this accursed world today. What do you say heroine-chan? Want to leave it with me?" and grabbed Nejire's face with his free hand and made him look at her.

Nejire who saw the maniacal expression for the first time was surprised by it and got scared for a bit.



But not even a second later the man vanished from her vision along with the gun that was shoved into her mouth and soon a loud noise was heard which was followed by a strong tremor in the ground.


Shun looked at the man with anger since he had taken Nejire hostage. But because of the priority of the mission he decided to follow Ryukyu's instruction and watch the man for any more information that he might give.

But all of a sudden when the man started speaking once again Shun's eyes widen in surprise when he noticed the man was about to pull the trigger.

"...Now you've done it," muttered Shun as a blue aura immediately radiated around his hand and he used Customize Create to teleport the man in front of him while lying on the ground.

Shun absorbed Bind's restraints as they were made of energy and then immediately punched the man in the gut with full force making the man scream out in pain as blood spilled out of his mouth.

The floor around the area where Shun punched the man started to crack and a second later it broke apart making the man and Shun fall to the floor below it.

"...Asshole," said Shun as he glared at the man.

The tried to scream but the pain prevent him from doing so. His ribs were broken by Shun and because of falling and landing on his back, he received some injuries there as well.

He glared at Shun who just looked back at him. The man mentally cursed him thinking that he would not be able to fulfill his goal because of him and continued to glare at him.

"Die....you....bastard!!!" scream the man painfully as his body began to glow.

"Yeah...no," replied Shun as a blue aura surround the man and then started to move towards Shun.

"W-What?" said the man as he started to feel weaker. He was waiting for his consciousness to slip away while hearing the screams of the shitty hero in front of him. But contrary to his wishes, not only was the hero not screaming, he was not able to fulfill his wish to die today as well.

"Try to go boom once again and I will punch you so hard that you will be on a liquid diet for at least a year."

The man was about to say something but Shun punched his face, though this time he just used his normal strength.

"That was for trying to harm my friend," said Shun as he stood up and glared at the man.

"Incredible use these!" said Ryukyu as she threw a pair of handcuffs at him from above.

Shun looked up and saw Nejire and Ryukyu looking at him. He then stepped on the man's chest when he noticed that he was trying to go boom once again. He then applied a bit of pressure making the man scream in pain and then absorbed the energy once again stopping the man from going boom once again.

Shun caught the handcuffs that Ryukyu threw her way and smiled seeing the quirk suppression cuffs.

He didn't waste any time and equipped the cuff to the man using his customize create, taking care of the maniac, and then flew up to the floor above.

The moment he landed he was tackled into a hug by Nejire, to which Shun hugged her back as he noticed that she was about to do that and didn't overreact this time.

"Sorry for taking so long." apologized Shun.

Nejire shook her head and then looked at him making Shun notice the wound near her lips, a wound that he was very familiar with from a young age.

'...That asshole hit her with the gun...' thought Shun as he used customize create on the man's clothes and cuffs and added a [Pain amplifier] and [Slow recovery] feature to it. He wanted to add an even stronger effect to it but the man's equipment was not of good quality and thus didn't allow it.

Shun then let go of Nejire and then stared at Ryukyu who was talking to the heroes over her communicator.

Noticing that she wasn't talking he concluded that there was no response from the other side.

Not even waiting for a bit Shun teleported out of the building and appeared in the sky just above the building.

He then looked down and noticed 4 trucks similar to the one that hit him earlier rushing toward the building at full speed with no intention of stopping.

"No time to inform," muttered Shun as his quirk activated and a blue aura surrounded him.

Shun's eyes started to shine behind his helmet as he activated customize create once again.

Noticing the similar condition of the trucks Shun smirked as all four speeding trucks disappeared from existence.

The heroes who were panicking after seeing the speeding trucks heading toward them blinked in surprise when they noticed that the trucks disappeared out of their sight. They then noticed the men who fell out of the truck who were equally if not more surprised by them.

But soon all of them snapped out of the trance and once again the hero's got nervous. Sure the trucks were gone but the fact that they still have to take on at least 40 villains was not something they can scoff at and that too when the 40 of them were coming from different directions and have surround them.

But once again they got surprised when the 40 men disappeared from their sight and all of them appeared behind them.

They all panicked and looked behind only to find an aura-clad Incredible standing there with his hands pointed out.

Neither the heroes nor villains have the time to register what happens just now. The two parties stared at the red-armored hero and before any of them could say something, a strong blast of electricity was fired at the villains shocking all of them and paralyzing all of them in the process.

The heroes just blinked their eyes in shock not knowing how to comprehend the situation.

Shun just ignored the other heroes and contacted Ryukyu and informed her about the situation.

Needless to say, even the dragon hero was left speechless while the blue-haired girl who was with Ryukyu was complaining to Shun saying that she wanted to see how he handled the villains as well.

Shun sighed and cut the connection and looked at the villains who were being restrained by the other heroes and the police.

"*Phew*It's finally over..." said Shun as he gave a tired sigh.