I Only Want You To Be Happy

A lady with long brown hair tied in a ponytail was busily tapping on a keyboard. She seemed to be in her early thirties, but her above average features make her a very attractive lady. Her name was Sarah.

She was one of the three personal maids that Hannah's family had assigned to their daughter. Her specialty was gathering information, and her young lady had put her to good use in the past few years. Knowing Hannah's spoiled personality, Sarah knew that she couldn't come up empty handed.

"Alex Von Ainsworth…" Sarah looked at the information that she had gathered. At first, she thought that her young lady had asked her to investigate the wrong person. However, after calling Hannah a few minutes ago and confirming their target's name, she realized that the man smiling at her from her PC screen was the man she was looking for.

Half an hour ago, she was about to give up hope because she wasn't able to find any information about Alex after using all her connections. Fortunately, a stupid idea came to her mind.

There was a popular saying among those who were proficient in using the internet and that was "If all else fails, you can always ask Doodle Senpai!". Sarah opened the Doodle Browser and typed "Alex Von Ainsworth" in the most popular search engine on the planet. What she saw made her jaw drop in surprise.

'The man her young lady asked to investigate was a Crown Prince?' Sarah narrowed her gaze as she read information about Alex. Aside from being the Crown Prince of X-Country, the maid wasn't able to find any other leads regarding Alex.

Her initial assumption was that, since he was a member of the Royal Family, all information about him was highly confidential. Using this line of thought, Sarah finally understood why she was unable to find any other information regarding Alex.

With one last glance at the handsome prince in front of her, Sarah sent the link of the royal announcement to her young lady's Wi-Chat.


"Abbie, it's already six in the evening. Time to wake up."

A deep and mischievous voice woke Abbie from her slumber. When she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Alex looking at her with gentle eyes. Abbie blinked once then twice before propping herself to a seated position.

"So it was not a dream," Abbie muttered.

"Do you want it to be a dream?" Alex asked. "Why don't you sleep a little longer? Perhaps the next time you open your eyes you'll already be pregnant."

"Pregnant with whose child?"

"Mine, of course."

Abbie was about to retort when she heard a light cough coming from the other side of the room.

"Girls, let's leave these two lovebirds alone. I might start vomiting sugar if I stay any longer," Britney said with a smile.

"Yes. Us singles will now leave the two of you alone," Lackey A said in agreement. "Make sure to keep things in moderation. We don't want the room smelling like squid when we return."

"Be sure to use protection." Lackey B gave Alex a thumbs up.

Abbie watched the three girls leave the room in confusion. She looked at Alex and saw him smiling back at her.

"What are those b*tches talking about?"

"Abbie, don't use that word. It's so unrefined."

Abbie wrinkled her nose, "Oh? So, you got chummy with them while I was asleep? You really know how to pick up girls now that you're all grown up."

Alex laughed as he lightly pinched Abbie's cheeks. "For a second I thought vinegar would start pouring out of your pores if I pinched your cheek."

Abbie harrumphed and decided to take a shower. While she was choosing the clothes she was going to wear, Alex hugged her from behind and whispered.

"Do you want to take a bath together?"


Abbie blanked out for a few seconds before pinching the hand that was holding her waist. The little Alex had a habit of asking her if he could take a bath with her. Whenever he did that, Abbie would always find an excuse to prevent the two of them from bathing together.

The Little Alex would always say the words "Can we bathe together?" which was very different from the aggressive "Do you want to take a bath together?" of the adult Alex. The way he said those words were oozing with confidence.

Abbie missed the little Alex who was still innocent. She was not dense and she could tell that the current Alex by her side would pounce on her the moment she gave her approval. Truth be told, Abbie was wavering. If she said she wasn't tempted, she would be lying.

The current Alex was so charming that the pheromones he was releasing were affecting her as well. Although she knew that her Little Hero was sleeping right now, she still couldn't chase away the thought of doing something intimate with a former eight-year-old.

"Don't worry," Alex whispered in her ears. Even if he didn't have mind reading abilities, he could somehow understand her thoughts because of the strong bond they shared. "I'm perfectly legal. You won't get in jail if you make love with me."

"Who's going to make love with you?" Abbie gently pushed Alex away using all her will power. "I'm going to take a bath, don't you dare follow me."

"If I dared?"

"I'll bite it off."

Alex's smile suddenly became stiff as he took two steps away from Abbie. "Abbie, you shouldn't say those things even if it is just a joke. Our future happiness is at stake."

"Behave, understood?"


Abbie raised her chin as she walked gallantly towards the bathroom. Alex watched his master close the bathroom door with a sigh. He was being serious when he proposed to take a bath together with her. Unfortunately, Abbie was unwilling so he couldn't force the issue. After all, he didn't want his Master to hate him.

'It's fine, I still have two more days,' Alex thought. 'Abbie, I only want you to be happy. That is all I want...my love.'