You Are The Best Thing That Happened To Me

Abbie slowly opened her eyes. The room was dark, but she could vaguely feel a pair of eyes staring at her. The feeling didn't frighten her. In fact, it made her feel happy. There was only one person in the world who could make her feel this special.

"Alex?" Abbie asked. She slept while holding the little boy in her embrace, and treated him like a hug pillow. Even though she couldn't see his face, she could tell that the boy was awake.

"Master, you can sleep more," Alex replied. "It's only three in the morning."

"How long have you been awake?"

"I woke up just now, Master."

"Understood," Abbie said as she lightly hugged her future hubby. "Wake me up at five."

"Mmm," Alex answered.

It didn't take long before Abbie fell back to sleep. Alex, also, closed his eyes, but he didn't sleep. He could tell that Abbie's feelings for him had changed. Her embrace was not the same as before. It felt more… intimate.