A Wish I Don't Dare To Wish

Abbie was inside her classroom and paying attention to her teacher's lessons. During the first few days after returning to the academy, her classmates treated her like she was an exchange student.

They treated her like someone that they were only seeing for the first time. Of course, this was not truly the case. They had known Abbie for quite some time, but her new identity made them look at her in a different light.

Abbie felt like she was a rare animal being displayed in the zoo. Everyone was looking at her with varying expressions. Some did it more subtly than others and only glanced at her when she was not paying attention. In time, Abbie got used to their secretive stares.

Today was Friday, the last day of the week. To be honest, Abbie was looking forward to the Lantern Festival. Alex would be experiencing it for the first time, but she was sure that he would enjoy it.
