A Step Into The Past [Part 2]

"Good morning, Grandpa Mark," Alex greeted with a smile. "Let me carry that basket for you."

"Good morning, Alex," Grandpa Mark replied. "Thank you as always."

Abbie watched the little Alex carry the basket with both hands as he walked side by side with the old man. She didn't care if this was a dream or her own imagination, that didn't stop her from following Alex the moment she opened her eyes.

The children in the orphanage had called the chubby woman, Mama Sophie. She had heard Alex mention her name a few times when they were at the girl's dormitory. From what she had been told, Mama Sophie had been their caretaker in the orphanage.

Although the orphanage was poor, their Mama Sophie did her best to ensure that they had food to eat and clothes to wear. Although the "food" and the "clothes" were lacking, the children were still happy because their Mama Sophie did her best for them.