Hopeless Situation

"If we surrender, do you promise not to hurt the children?" Sophie asked.

Her hands were gripping the hatchet firmly. Although she was afraid, she would not allow any harm to come to the children of the orphanage.

"Of course," the bandit replied. "Why would we hurt you? We're bandits. It's not like we are murderers."

The other bandits chuckled at their comrade's words. Indeed they were bandits, but who said that they weren't murderers? Banditry involved killing the people who resisted. As long as there was profit to be gained, they didn't mind killing the innocent for money.

Sophie glared at the bandit, "What happened to the two women in the living room?"

The bandits faces darkened when they heard Sophie's question. Noelle and Nora managed to injure two bandits using a kind of poison that paralyzed the body. The bandits were enraged by their actions and hacked the two women to death.