No Need To Say Thank You

Abbie unleashed a roundhouse kick that was meant to destroy the bandit's groin so that he would never be able to use it again in his life. She was so overcome with anger that she wanted to tear the bandit who hurt Alex to pieces.

Her kick passed through the bandit's body, but Abbie didn't stop her assault. She had been bottling up all her frustrations and she needed to vent it all even if it was futile.

With every kick and punch that she unleashed a growl escaped her lips. Like a wild animal protecting her cub, she attacked with fury. However, it was all in vain. After a few more rounds, she finally screamed out in frustration.

"F*ck you!" Abbie cursed. "F*ck you, asshole!"

The bandit was indifferent to Abbie's attack and curses. His gaze was focused on the wailing Alex on the ground. A sneer could be seen on his face as he enjoyed the suffering of the young boy at his feet.