Greybeard’s Sword And Shield

Dead bodies littered the ground as the kobold group was annihilated. Kobolds were not particularly strong monsters. They were weaker than goblins, but more tenacious. The only problem this time around was their numbers.

They were, also, led by a Kobold Gladiator, which greatly enhanced their fighting prowess. Before they arrived, a few of the hired guards protecting the caravan had been killed due to their assault. If not for the caravan leader being a capable fighter himself, the number of casualties on their side might have been more. 

Overall, thirty-five people had died on the side of the merchant group. The adventurers who came to reinforce them only suffered varying degrees of injuries, but none were life threatening.

"Thank you for saving us!" Ezequiel bowed his head. "If not for you, we might have been wiped out by the kobolds. The Camael Merchant Guild owes all of you a favor."