Festival of Prosperity

"Here you go, one hundred-twenty thousand gold coins," Greybeard said as he handed a magic bag to Abbie. "I look forward to our business in the future."

"Thank you," Abbie replied as she accepted the magic bag. She then stored it inside her own inventory. 

"Sir Greybeard, how long will it take you to forge our custom made armor?" Alex asked. 

"Two weeks." Greybeard played with his beard. "The materials we got are all of high-quality. You can expect good things once the custom made armors are done."

Abbie nodded her head. They were not in a hurry to go anywhere, so waiting was not an issue. Alex's primary concern was to gain battle experience and raise his ranks as an adventurer. 

"Now about those monster cores..." Greybeard smiled like a businessman. 

"Sorry, they're not for sale," Abbie said in a firm manner. 'I can't possibly tell him that the monster cores are being used as Crab Car's food.'