Silver Wind Academy [Part 1]

Augustus guided Abbie, Alex, and Faemon inside the academy, while he briefed them on the things that they needed to know during Alex's stay.

"So, that's about it," Augustus said as they entered the central building of the academy. "Any questions so far?"

"None," Abbie replied for all of them. 

"Good," Augustus nodded. "Now it's time to do some tests. Although I say tests, Alex is not going to take any written tests or anything. I just want to confirm his age and whether he has the gift of magic. This building is where we examine all the students who passed the enrollment procedure."

Augustus pointed to a raised platform where a blue crystal, as big as a car's tire, floated in the air. 

"Place your hand on the magic crystal so we can complete your registration as a student."


Alex walked up to the platform and touched the magic crystal as he was told.