First Day Of School

The first day of school at Silver Wind Academy had officially started. Alex and Quinn made their way towards their classroom in good spirits. Both of them decided to come half an hour early in order to have some time to get to know their fellow classmates.

As they were walking along the hallway, they noticed a group of students following a pretty young girl with blonde hair and eyes as blue as the clear sky. Her icy expression was not enough to deter the group of kids who were following behind her like little ducklings.

"Do you know who she is?" Quinn asked Alex who was looking at the girl with a frown. 

"No," Alex shook his head. "But, for some reason, I feel as if the two of us share something in common."

"Oh? That sounds interesting, especially since that girl is the sixth princess of the Lione Empire."

"She's a princess?"

"Yes," Quinn nodded his head. "Anastasia Dy Lione, the Ice Princess of the Empire of Lione."