Training Partner

"Okay, that's it. All of you are doing well," Erin encouraged her students as she checked all of their progress.

It was the day after the incident at the Survival Training Class. Alex and his classmates were currently inside the Magic Training Hall under Erin's supervision.

Their lesson for today was to hold their magic spell for as long as they could. Quinn was seated on top of a boulder that he summoned through magic. 

A pair of Ice Phoenixes were circling around Anastasia. 

Adam conjured a fireball as big as a car's wheel and it floated three meters away from him. 

Alex, on the other hand, stood on top of his icewall. After the short battle he had yesterday against Adeline, Alex learned the importance of knowing the limits of his magic spells. Today's lesson was quite beneficial to him because he was able to understand the limits of his magic.