Insidious Arrangement 

"Everyone please wear this pin," a good looking ten-year-old boy announced as he distributed a pin to all of his classmates. The pin had the design of a Gryphon and the words Class 1-A were engraved on it.

Each Year had their own emblems and the Gryphon was the symbol of the First Years. The boy handed the pins to his classmates one by one and told them with a serious expression that they should always wear it inside the academy.

The students didn't find anything suspicious with this. The reason? Their Professor Erin had already told them in advance that all of the students were required to wear their respective emblems in preparation for the Class Battles. 

The last person he gave the pin to was Alex. Like the others, he also reminded Alex to always wear it while he was inside the academy. Alex nodded his head as he wore the pin on his student uniform.