The Price Of Arrogance

"Alex, would you like to check out the inheritance as well?" Quinn asked. 

Since Alex was already inside the Forbidden Grounds, it would be a shame if he didn't get the chance to check out the inheritance as well.

This was what Quinn thought as he waited for his roommate's reply. He had always been fond of Alex and found him endearing.

"Can I?" Alex replied with a smile.

"Well? Can he?" Quinn looked at Adam with the "If Alex doesn't come, I won't be coming as well" expression.

Adam could only helplessly agree to let Alex check out the inheritance as well. Besides if he came along, their chances of winning against the golem would increase as well. However, he had one condition.

"Alex will be the last to try for the inheritance," Adam stated. "If all three of us fail to get the inheritance then I'd rather have Alex have it instead of other people."