Minerva’s Goal

Inside an elegant and spacious room, that reeked of wealth and royalty, Abbie, Alex, Faemon, and Minerva were having an afternoon snack, while talking about the future plans of Black Bellied Academy.

"Six months from now, the various great academies and other learning institutions will gather at the Guardian City of Tyr to hold the Tournament of Tyr," Minerva said with a smile. "This is an event that only happens once every three years."

"Tournament of Tyr?" Abbie asked. She really didn't know how the academic system of this world worked. "Is there any significance in joining this tournament?"

"I'm glad you asked." Minerva smirked. "The rankings of the various academies are highly dependent on this tournament. I'm sure you are already aware of the distribution of powers within the continent, right?"

Abbie nodded her head. Alice had already told her these things a month after the heroes had arrived in Edea.