Is This A Dream? [Part 1]

Alex felt light and very comfortable. It was the same feeling he felt when he was being enveloped by Abbie's warm embrace. In the span of his short, yet meaningful, life, there were very few instances where he felt such warmth.

He didn't know that while he was in that dream-like state, the padded armor that had accompanied him since the beginning of his journey had already been dissolved. His delicate, yet strong body was fully submerged inside the red liquid without any form of protection. 

Alex was completely oblivious of the outside world. All he knew was that he was somewhere safe and warm. He didn't want to leave that place. He wanted to stay and sleep there forever.

"Wake up, my little darling," a familiar and soothing voice whispered in his ears. "You can't sleep forever. There are people waiting for you, people who love and care for you."