Let The Tournament Begin!

"Regardless of the result, all I want is for each and everyone of you to do your best," Minerva said as she stood in front of the two hundred and sixteen students who would represent Black Bellied Academy in the Tournament of Tyr.

"Make me proud!" 

"Yes!" all the students replied in unison. 

Minerva nodded with a smile. She then turned towards the professors that were responsible for bringing the students to their respective arenas. "Professors, I leave them all in your care."

"You can count on us, Headmaster," Bridgitte answered with confidence. 

"All First Years, follow me!"

"All Second Years, let's go!"

"Third Years, let's get them!"

"Fourth Years…"

Alex and the rest of the Third Years followed behind Professor Bridigitte. As they drew closer to the massive arena in the distance, the cheering of a million people reached their ears. Each of the students felt their blood boil as they clenched their fists in anticipation.