I Rule Upon The Frozen Heavens [Part 2]

It was not only Abbie who was shocked at the unexpected turn of events, even Minerva dropped the small microphone in her hand in disbelief at the short exchange that took place.

Anastasia was about to ask the referee to announce the result of the battle when she heard a teasing voice behind her back.

"What are you looking at?" 

The Ice Princess turned her head to see a smiling Alex behind her. The "Alex" whom she pierced earlier turned into an ice statue before shattering into pieces. 

"You should have used that chance to attack me." Anastasia narrowed her eyes.

She was very different from the blushing girl earlier who gazed at Alex with concealed infatuation. It was as if a switch was flipped inside her head and she returned to being the arrogant Ice Princess who was hailed as a genius in the Lione Empire.