The Semi-Finals 

"Thousands have come, but now, only four remain," Daniel said while standing on top of a flying platform in the middle of the stadium. "Today, we will witness who among these young geniuses will be crowned as the new champion of the Tournament of Tyr. Are all of you excited?"


The audience replied with a loud roar.

"Well then, allow me to introduce the last four contestants of the tournament!" Daniel waved his hand and a chubby boy with a big smile on his face walked towards the arena.

"Hailing from Silver Wind Academy, Adam Dy Sunslayer!" Daniel shouted.

"Adam! Adam! Adam! Adam!"

The students from Silver Wind Academy chanted Adam's name which made the smile on his face brighten. This was the first time he had experienced something as awesome as this and his steps became lighter as he climbed up onto the stage.

"Next, we have the candidate from Royal Order Academy, Dwayne Runesteel!"