I Will Not Let You Down

The faces of the audience, who were watching the projection, turned green. Even though they couldn't smell how bad the stink was, the grim expressions of the Alliance was enough to tell them how horrible it was. 

Alfred slowly glanced at the fairy by his side. Surprisingly, the fairy was also looking at him with a sweet smile. In front of her was a small bottle filled with a black liquid. 

Minerva unceremoniously removed the cork and waved her hand. A gale washed over the crowd carrying the smell of the substance that was inside the bottle.

Soon, sounds of cursing and vomiting permeated the entire stadium. 

The corners of Daniel's eyes and lips were twitching.

'This Toe Jam actually dared to use the blood of the Abomination to create something this filthy!' The Sovereign of the Guardian City knew how horrendous the fairy was. However, he never thought that she would dare to do something this sinister!