Going All Out

After the failed attempt to conquer the camp of Royal Order Academy, the "Allied Armies" regrouped six miles away from the mountainous region. 

Due to the casualties they received from the battles, Dandelion and Silver Wind Academies had less than a hundred surviving members. As they retreated, the Aerial Cavalry of Royal Order Academy ran after them and decimated more of their numbers.

Surprisingly, none of the members from Black Bellied Academy perished and this was due to Priscilla's overwhelming firepower.

The three commanders were forced to lead their men to return to their own bases and rest before they discussed their next course of action.

Two hours later, a messenger from Black Bellied Academy arrived at the Dandelion and Silver Wind Academies camps to request for reinforcements.

"Request for reinforcements?" Louis asked. "Why? What happened?"

The messenger looked anxious as he explained the current state of affairs in their camp.