In The Face Of Eternal Death

The block of ice melted and Alex opened his eyes. Although he was frozen in ice, he was aware of everything that had happened in the prison cell. The masked man gave him a very dangerous feeling. 

It was a feeling that Alex hadn't felt before. Even though he had met many strong individuals in the past, this person was different. The boy's intuition was telling him that the danger level of this person was off the charts.

Because of this, he didn't dare to remove the ice that was protecting his body. Unfortunately, he still underestimated what the masked man was capable of. With another casual wave of his hand, the ice melted without any signs of recovery.

Alex had no choice but to admit that this time, he might be truly in danger.

As if reading his thoughts, the masked man took the initiative to start the conversation. 

"Relax," the masked man said. "I'm not going to hurt you. In fact, I am very interested in you."