Chapter 4

Lacey was sitting on a crate on the main deck in a quiet corner a book in her hand. She was not that much of a book reader but she just liked sitting around in the sun and reading once in awhile. It had been a week at sea, her father had said.

"that they would be there soon, it would probably take four more days."

They were heading to the land in the south, to visit her fathers friend that is the king of one of the largest Kingdoms in the south, her father had told them.

Looking up from her book she gazed out at the ocean. The water was calm and she was not looking at anything in particular, there were no clouds in the sky.

She stood up, but as she did her skirt caught on a nail, not seeing it. Lacey jumped down of the crate, a loud (RIP) sounded. Lacey looked in horror at the long rip in the blue fabric of her dress.

"NO!" She cried, pulling the fabric up closer to her face, the frayed rip was long, she groaned, so much for taking good care of it.

Lacey hurried down the hall to her cabin door, opening it she hurried inside and over to her trunk. Pulling out a small box and opening it, inside was needles and all colors of thread. Picking out the blue closest to the dresses color and threading the needle, she looked at the tear, with a sigh she started neatly sewing the fabric together. It took her a couple minutes to get it done.

Lacey looked at her work in satisfaction, running her hand over it, the place glowed under her touch. The whole dress glowed, Lacey stood up, the dress pulsed making Lacey feeling warm and fuzzy. Lacey looked at the dress running her hand on it, "I'm sorry I ripped you" she said, it felt weird but she had to say it. The dress faded from blue to green, a soft pastel green, and she could sense that it was happy with her apology.

There was a gasp from the door way, her mother looked shocked, "...Wha..." her mother  said, the dress faded back to its original color, Lacey looked at her mother, and sighed "It's magic" she said gesturing to the dress.

Her mother said, "l could see that" Lacey looked away not knowing what to say, her mother came into the room, remembering why she was there, "I wanted to talk to you" She said, as she gestured for Lacey to sit.

Silence fell, then her mother laughed a little,

"I'm glad your father gave you that dress,

if anything happens just trust it" she said. She said it almost as if she knew something would happen. Lacey looked at her mother, she was smiling now, "this trip was dangerous from the start, let's just hope we get there and back in one piece"

She said, Lacey looked at her mother worried. Her mother kissed her on the forehead, then stood, "Let's go get something to eat, the others will be there by now" she walked over to the door, looking back she smiled. Lacey got up following her mother down the hall, they went to the dinning room for the royal family.

Four days later Lacey and Angela stood by the ships railing. Looking at the land that was slowly getting bigger. She was dressed in the beautiful blue dress, the wind ruffled her hair, It was hanging down pasted her waist. But she wore a hair pin the black flower reflecting the sun, her sister was in a light blue dress that came to her knees, her hair was in a band, it fell down her back the wind blew it in Lacey's face.

Lacey pushed the hair out of her face, Angela looked at her at the motion, Angela giggled, pulling her hair over her shoulder to keep it from going in Lacey face. "There you two are" Alex said, come up behind them, Lacey did not look around still looking out over the water, Alex came to stand beside her.

"That is the biggest Kingdom in the south, King Darren and Queen Raylee, and their four sons are fair rulers" Alex said, Lacey looked at the big castle they could see from where they stood. Angela sighed and said, "I can't wait to get off this ship!" Alex laughed, "We will be staying for awhile, you don't have to worry about sailing again for a week or two."

Lacey walked down the dock behind her father, her mother was beside her, Angela and Alex followed. They got in a carriage that was waiting for them, the ride was not very long. Lacey looked out the window, as they rode along through the city streets, there were people everywhere going about there business.

They soon reached the palace, the big white brick building was tall and old, Lacey looked up, the towers went so high they blocked out the sun.

King Darren and two of the prince's were there to meet them, they followed them into the palace and went down many halls and turned so many corners Lacey lost count. They soon entered a big room that had Black couches and a table in it, it was a small sitting room, the king and her father were in a deep conversation.

Some servants came in with sweets and drinks, when they left, one of the princes followed. Lacey look at her father and King Darren they were talking, but looked back at the door as it opened, in walked a beautiful woman and the prince from before, followed by two other young men, they took seats.

Lacey's father got up from his seat, "My good friends, I would like you to meet my dear wife and my daughters!" He said to King Darren.

King Darren smiled at Lacey's mother, "I'm pleased to meet you welcome to our kingdom."

He said kissing her hand, her Mother bowed her head in greeting, "Its nice to meet you to." He then looked at Lacey and Angela "Welcome, to you two beautiful young ladies, we are happy to have you visiting" He said bowing to them. Angela blushed, Lacey bowed her head in greeting.

"Thank you" Lacey said, king Darren then gestured to his wife "this is my beautiful and loving wife Raylee," everyone bowed their  heads in greeting again, then the King continued "my first son Grayson, second Leo, Third son Jackson, and my fourth son Daniel" he said, gesturing to the four young men in the room.

Lacey looked at them they were all older then her, handsome in there own ways. Each one of them said "Hello and welcome" then the two that had come in later, got up and left. Queen Raylee came over and sat down beside them.

"I have prepared rooms for you all, I know that you all must be tired, I have had baths prepared too, come with me" she said. Looking at her husband she said " I'm going to go show the girls to their room, so they can freshen up for dinner",King Darren nodded,

Getting up they followed her out of the room.

They followed her down more halls and around more corners, finally they reached a door, Queen Raylee opened it. "Here we are" They entered a sitting room, four doors in the room lead to bedrooms, and double doors that lead to a balcony. "I thought that you would be more comfortable if I put you all together, this castle is too big to navigate with out help, I wouldn't want you to get lost"

She said with a chuckle.

"I have got to go check on dinner, there are baths in the rooms ready for you, also if you have questions or need anything there will be a maid outside the door." She said going out and closing the door behind her.

Lacey picked a door on the right, she opened the door and was greeted by two maids, "Princess" they said curtsying, Lacey nodded, shutting the door behind her, thinking only of the bath, the maids led her to a room off to the side to the bath, Lacey took of the blue dress setting it carefully on the clothes rack, stepping into the water, it was hot but still just the right temperature.

She washed, dried and picked up the light pink evening dress that lay on the rack, the maids had gotten it from her trunk, she stood there for a moment before setting it back down and picking up her dress, slipping it over her head and pulling it down, the zipper slowly went up, Lacey giggled at the tickling sensation it made.

She looked at the pink slippers that sat beside the rack.

Sighing she made her way back into the bedroom, there was a big Queen size bed with fluffy pillows and a deep comforter, Lacey walked over to the trunk that sat by the wall. Opening it she pulled out some black slippers. She put them on then walked to the door, opened it and entered the sitting room. Her mother was already in there, sitting on the plush couch.

Lacey went over and sat beside her mother who smiled, "We are just waiting for Angela then a maid will take us to dinner, Raylee came by to tell us it was ready."Her mother said. Lacey's tummy growled at the mention of food, Angela came out of her room looking as cute as ever In a ruffly pink dress and matching slippers, her light brown hair was up in a bun with pink flowers pins stuck in it.

Lacey remember that she didn't do her hair, getting up, "I'm going to go do my hair!" She said, Lacey went in her room, and over to her vanity and opening the bag that held her hair things. Picking up the brush she brushed out the wet hair and put it in a bun, looking at herself in the mirror, her beautiful hazel eyes looked back laughter in them.

Lacey had always been a happy and smiley girl. Sighing, "That will do for dinner, right?" she said to herself, the dress didn't say anything back, and she giggled, "Of course you can't talk!" She sighed, the dress faded from blue to pink, Lacey looked in silence, as it faded back. There was a knock on the door, then it opened, Angela came in, (happy as can be).

"Lacey we are ready to go, come on I'm starving!" Angela said with a whine.

They followed the maid to the dinning room, went they were seated at the big table that was piled high with different food and drinks.

Lacey started piling her plate, she glanced at her mother who was looking at her with a disapproving look, Lacey stoped and started eating, the table was lively as they ate.

Lacey only payed attention to her food until she was full, Alex was talking to the two young Princes that were probably somewhere around his age, she didn't really care if they were handsome, she didn't really want love, or marriage or whatever, she wasn't ready for something like that, that would take all her time, she wanted to be free and she was.

Putting more potatoes on her plate and smothering them in gravy, eating more even though she was full, she was happy with her visit so far.