First Sign of Symptom

"Mu Yue, you should go take a bath and have the inn workers to change the sheets of your bed. The impurities from your body are emitted through sweating. You now smell bad." Xiao Yan then left the room.

Mu Yue then took a bath and paid additional gold to the worker to change the sheets of her bed. She saw Xiao Yan waiting for her in the dining room.

"When do you plan to absorb the gem, Mu Yue?" Xiao Yan said while eating.

Mu Yue thought about it and said, "I might absorb it after eating. We only have at least 3 days left before the school teachers arrive. I do not know how long it will take for me to absorb it so I will start as soon as possible."

"Then I'll go around the city and have fun. I'll be back before night time. Don't push yourself too hard. Absorbing too much will not be beneficial to your body." Xiao Yan then went out of the inn after eating.

Mu Yue then entered the room and took out the gem. The gem was as small as a grape yet Mu Yue can feel that the gem holds more energy than a high-grade spirit stone.

She then sat on the bed and slowly absorbed the energy inside the gem. The energy was as dense as the spiritual energy she absorbed when there was a full moon. Slowly she can feel the temperature drop. The cold air inside the room was going out of the gaps of the door.

Xiao Yan arrived back at the inn before dinner. She then decided to head straight to their room to see Mu Yue. When she arrived at the front of their room, she then felt the cold air going out of the gaps. She then hurriedly opened the door and saw Mu Yue freezing.

'Damn it! I told her to not push herself too hard. Her body feels as cold as ice.' Xiao Yan then decided to help Mu Yue. She controlled her fire spiritual energy and covered Mu Yue's body with it.

Mu Yue was having a hard time injuring the cold. She could certainly endure the pain however her body's internal organs were slowing down, causing her to slowly lose consciousness due to drowsiness. She then felt something warm covering her, making her body to stop slowing down and work normally.

This continued for one and a half days. Mu Yue continued absorbing the energy of the gem while Xiao Yan was constantly controlling her fire spiritual energy to cover Mu Yue. When Xiao Yan used up her spiritual energy, she then hugs Mu Yue while resting, using her body heat to fight against the cold.

Morning arrived and Mu Yue opened her eyes. She then feels something heavy on her back. She found Xiao Yan hugging her from behind, while Xiao Yan's head is resting on Mu Yue's shoulder.

Mu Yue then sat still, trying to avoid disturbing Xiao Yan's rest. Her cultivation has reached the Middle level 3rd step Qi Condensation Stage. She then saw Xiao Yan's eyes slowly open.

"Good Morning Xia- *Thud* Ouch..." Xiao Yan hits Mu Yue's head, interrupting her speech.

Xiao Yan had Mu Yue go on her knees and scolded her, "Mu Yue, I told you to not push yourself too hard! Absorbing too much is not good. If I am not here, your body might have frozen. Still, just absorbing that gem should have not made your body as cold as ice. There must be something else that caused it. Am I right Mu Yue?"

"Yes, my cultivation method also makes my body like this. Having both of them made my body colder than usual. Even I didn't expect it." What Mu Yue said was half the truth. Certainly, her cultivation method affects her body but she knows that it was her Extreme Yin Constitution that did it. She just did not expect it to happen earlier as it should only appear during breakthroughs. (Minor and Major)

"Now then, I wonder how you will repay me for this. I technically just saved your life didn't I? I am certain that you will go to me in the future if it happens again." Xiao Yan said cunningly.

"Then I'll repay the favor in the future?" Mu Yue didn't have anything valuable to give so she can only promise this.

"Then let me hug you to sleep when we are together. I realized that I sleep more comfortably when I hug you as your body is colder than normal. I'll just ask you to do something for me in the future for the favor." Xiao Yan quickly said.

Mu Yue was about to tell Xiao Yan that her statement contains two requests when she saw Xiao Yan's smiling face and just silently agreed.