Xiao Yan Reaching 4th Step

Mu Yue and Xiao Yan left the principal's room. They decided to go to the cafeteria to eat lunch.

While eating, Xiao Yan asked Mu Yue, "What are your plans now Mu Yue? I'm sure you will speed up your cultivation if possible to be the principal's student."

"Yes. What about you Xiao Yan? When do you plan on doing your breakthrough?" Mu Yue asked.

"Me? I will probably try later this day. I have to resume speeding up my cultivation. I can't get left behind by you Mu Yue."

"Do breakthroughs take long? Do you need help? I would like to repay the favor… It's also because I might need your help when I do mine. "Mu Yue said. Although she doesn't want to bother her, she was the only friend she has and someone she can trust that can help her.

"I won't need help breaking through. I would only use the spiritual energy to brute force, unlike yours that emits coldness. Also, you should stop relying on me Mu Yue, I don't mean this in a bad way but there might be times when I'm not by your side to help. You can also do this as training for the future." Xiao Yan said.

Realizing that she has become too dependent on Xiao Yan, Mu Yue apologizes, "I'm sorry Xiao Yan. It looks like I got too dependent on you. I should follow your advice and do it by myself."

"Don't worry about that, you can do it by yourself first and I'll check on you from time to time." Xiao Yan said with a smile and added, "When I'm going to break through, I'll stay in my original room. You should do yours alone too so you won't get disturbed. Failing a breakthrough makes it harder to do the same again."

"I understand"

Because they would be taught by the principal, they decided to not attend classes for the month. They decided to use the time on not attending classes to speed up their cultivation.

When the two go back to the dorm, Xiao Yan entered her room and prepared to breakthrough. Mu Yue entered her room to also cultivate.

'I should first breakthrough before using the points to enter the Cultivation Pagoda. It's better to cultivate without getting disturbed.' Mu Yue thought.

Although cultivators will have better chances of breaking through with denser spiritual energy on their surroundings, after the breakthrough, the body will stop absorbing spiritual energy in order for it to stabilize.

Mu Yue finished her cultivation when morning came. She went to eat and decided to explore the school grounds to look for a secluded area where she could cultivate under the moonlight. After finding one, she remembered the way to the place and went back to the dorm to check on Xiao Yan.

"Hello there Mu Yue." Xiao Yan greets

Sensing the stronger aura that Xiao Yan emits, Mu Yue congratulated her, "Congratulations on breaking through to the 4th step, Xiao Yan. Shall we go eat lunch?"

"Sure, then we should go to the principal. Fortunately, I finished before lunchtime."

After eating, the two went to the principal room.

"You two go take a seat." The principal said.

"I will teach you every day at the same time for a month. Because Xiao Yan already knows the basics, I will first help Mu Yue on how to cast spells. I will teach you how to convert spiritual energy to elemental energy."

"Qi Condensation Cultivators can at most learn the tier 1 basic spells. Higher tier spells would require having a specific Cultivation Base."

"Now you might be wondering why there are different professions, why not do them all since spiritual energy can be converted to other forms of energy. Well, you would have to first take out your spiritual energy before converting it to another form of energy. The other forms of energy are harmful to the body unless you tempered it to be able to hold it, hence the three professions."

"When you control the spiritual energy that you refined to get further from your body, the rate of the gathering will become slower and inefficient. You will slowly lose control of the spiritual energy until it converts back to its original state and returns to the surroundings. This is why cultivators can at most use it to cover their body or improve the body temporarily on speed, strength, or natural healing."

"It's different for other forms of energy. These energies can be controlled and moved away from the body. Although the further and larger it is the more energy you need to sustain it, it is still better than the pure spiritual energy. You can even just throw it in a direction and it will stay for some time without the need of sending more energy."