A Happy Xiao Yan

"I thought… bath…. again…" Mu Yue mumbled.

"Can you speak louder? I didn't hear some of it…" Xiao Yan requested.

"I thought you will bath me again!" Mu Yue shouted. Her face turned red as she puts her head closer to Xiao Yan's chest to hide.

Xiao Yan was extremely happy but didn't show it. "What is wrong with that? We are both girls."

"I-it feels weird." When Mu Yue said this, Xiao Yan decided to continue her teasing.

"Why do you feel it's weird?"

"I don't know"

"Want to do it again so you will know why?"

This time Mu Yue didn't answer and only shakes her head. Seeing this, Xiao Yan decided to stop teasing.

"Alright, I will stop now." Xiao Yan said, she then thought 'I failed to do my plan but this is better!'

She also wanted to teach Mu Yue about relationships but decided to just do it in the future. She wanted to stay like this instead.

She befriended Mu Yue because of an attraction she felt. She also thought that with Mu Yue's capabilities, having a good relationship with her will be good for the future. This however is slowly turning to something else without her knowing.

The other students in the special class have also been increasing the speed of their cultivation. Li Jie has reached the Peak level 3rd step Qi Condensation stage while Fei Hong and Jun Qing reached the Late level.

Mu Yue and Xiao Yan's relationship have also improved. They were back to almost always being together when doing their chores. The principal also was now available and both of them went to show their improvement.

"You two have improved quite fast! Xiao Yan, your casting speed became even faster. I'm sure you will learn how to instantly cast those spells when you reach foundation establishment. As for you Mu Yue, you have successfully learned the two spells within these 10 days. Although your casting speed is still in the above-average level, your comprehension is already better than the others." The principal praised.

"I have already taught you two of the things that you needed in the Qi Condensation stage. I suggest you learn more spells. You two have fast learning speed so learning more spells will not occupy much of your time. Also constantly improve your energy control and casting speed. Everything I said will be useful for combat on the upper stages of cultivation."

Mu Yue then asked, "Principal, can you teach me what I should always remember as a Spell Cultivator?"

"The most common rule for Spell Cultivators is to avoid being close to an enemy. This will not be applicable to you as you are a swordsman and you needed to go closer. What I can suggest to you is to always be aware of your surroundings and to always think fast. Always conserve energy if possible as a Spell Cultivator would be useless without spells." The principal lectured.

The two then went to the library. There is an area inside that contains scrolls and manuals. All of the things here are free to read and copy as long as the original stay inside. Mu Yue copied the ice spells she thinks will be useful to her. She also went to read about the sword techniques.

She saw some sword technique as well as Jun Qing's 'Heavy Slash'. Her 'rain strike' and 'rupture strike' sword techniques were better than what she found inside. She decided to look for a flying sword technique instead.

What she can only do with her flying sword was to thrust forward, change direction, or return the sword to her hand. She thought this was the normal basics until she found out that the manuals here can only do the same, some are even worse.

'As expected of my master. The things she gave me were better than what I could find.'

It was then she found a manual that has the name of 'Pulse Blade'.

"Sending out a ranged attack with a slash of the weapon. The slash will contain weapon qi which will separate from the sword and hit the enemy from a distance."

The more Mu Yue read about the introduction, the more interested she was with the book. Compared to the spells, this ranged attack only requires a slash and the attack will be sent out. The downside was it can only reach up to five meters before dispersing.

Nonetheless, Mu Yue decided to copy the manual and learn it.